AFC 2136 (Ak.. Form C 2136) will be used at SOE/SO HQ for originating all messages. A copy of this form is attached.

All messages teleprinted from MAIN WT STATIONS to HQ Signal Office must be in the same form as AFC 2136 except that the date time or origin will be at the end of the text.

Where is message is received from SO Detachments, who will be using the US Army message forms, it will be the responsibility of the MAIN WT STATION (STATION 53C) to change the form of the message before it is teleprinted to HQ Signal Office, to conform to Para b. above.

The MAIN WT STATION will also be responsible for changing an OUT message to SO Detachments into the US Army form.

"All informed procedure".

Where a message is addressed to two or more addressees, the originator may add at the end of the text the words:
"All informed" or in its abbreviated form: "all infm".

When these words appear at the end of the text, Signals will be permitted to delete from a message going over any particular channel all those addressees who are NOT served by that channel.

e.g. A message is addressed from SOE/SO HQ to SF 21 Army Group. SF2 BRITISH ARMY. SF 1 CANADIAN ARMY with
      "all informed" at the end of the text and handed in for transmission.

      MAIN WT STATION, in preparing copy for SF 21 ARMY GROUP, will delete from that particular message the second
      and third addressees.

      MAIN WT STATION, in preparing copy for SF 2 BRITISH ARMY, will delete the first and the third addressees, etc.

Transmission of figures.

Figures which are spelt out in enciphering will be returned to figures in deciphering.

Lateral Communication.

Lateral comm between any two outstations working on the same frequency will NOT be permitted.

Opening additional channel.

If an outstation wishes to open an additional channel in order to clear traffic, it will do so by asking Home Station by Service Message to open on an indicated channel, giving plan name and frequency.
Must the outstation in this case have a second plan with additional crystals?

MAIN WT STATION may similarly ask a hy det outstation to open its second channel, but may NOT make such a request in respect of lt dets associated with sections.


New priorities are being introduced by SOE/SO and will be taken into use as follows:
Q Sig NEW SOE/SO Priority Old SOE/SO Priority Current US Army Priority Current British Priority US & Brit Army Prefix
QSQ Emergency Priority Most Immediate Urgent Emergency O
QSP Priority Immediate Priority Important P
QTC Routine --- Routine --- R
QDF Deferred Deferred Deferred Deferred D
When SOE/SO messages are passed to normal Army channels for transmission, the appropriate equivalent Army priority must be substituted for the SOE/SO priority.

When either EMERGENCY PRIORITY or PRIORITY "IN" messages are received at HQ Signal Office, the addressees will be notified immediately by telephone, or by advanced copy which will be marked as such by rubber stamp.

All messages will be dealt with within their degrees of priority according to the handed in to Signals.


In order to conform to Army procedure:

Time Signals from BBC Broadcasts will be taken as official time.

Local times will be indicated by adding the following suffixes to times:

Greenwich Mean Time = Z
British Summer Time = A
Double British Summer Time = B

Call Signs.

Owing to the narrow separation between channels all initial transmissions will be prefaced by the Call Sign of the station calling. This call sign will be sent once only.

Q-Code Signals

The following Q-Code Signals may be used on SF (Special Forces) and SO (Signal Office) wireless channels:

QSR, Cease transmitting but listen out on the present frequency.
QMW, Close down and return to base.
QKC, Carry on with communication (i.e. cancel QSR)
QWM, I am forced to close down and I am returning to base.

The provision of this Signal Instruction will be brought into use forthwith.

Paras I, II, III & IV will apply also to comms between SOE/SO-HQ and JEDBURGH and BARDSEA parties.
