(Tobias Biallosterski), who arrived back in England on July 8th (223) ,  gave the following account (224) of the state of the clandestine press in Holland in the early part of 1944: -
The underground Press covered the country in such a way that every patriot could and usually did receive a copy of at least one of the Underground Papers. The names of the larger papers were: -
A) TROUW This paper was printed in different parts of the country and there was a time in the summer and autumn of 1943 when it had a circulation of from 70.000 to 80.000 copies Owing to recent arrests this had been somewhat reduced. Its scope was very wide, for it included in its executive both Catholics and Protestants of every shade of political opinion, though the leadership was definitely Conservative. In addition to the publication of the paper the organization also dabbled in other matters. It is known to have organized raids on Food Offices and had been instrumental in securing the liquidation of some traitors. The organization also had an escape route, though
DRAUGHTS had no knowledge of its activities.
DRAUGHTS worked with this paper in Holland on the technical side and also to some extent in the distribution before he came he came to England for the first time. At this time Parool had a circulation of approximately 25.000 and the whole of the organization was handled by four or five men. The editorial staff saw nearly every underground paper as it was issued and had a very good information department. Its records were frequently made available to other underground papers, especially the smaller ones.
C) CHRISTOPHOOR a big Catholic paper with its circulation chiefly in South Holland, which is the most Catholic part of the country; this paper had grown very much from a small beginning.
D) JE MAINTIENDRAI The larger papers were all printed, but the majority of Communist papers were stencilled and duplicated.

Smaller papers

A communist organ called SIGNAAL, a small stenciled paper, made a somewhat sporadic appearance. There was another very small paper called VOD which circulated only through the hands of Underground workers and which gave a resume of news from the BBC and descriptions of members of the SD and Gestapo. DRAUGHTS had seen one copy of DE STEM VAN VRIJ NEDERLAND, a new paper with a small circulation. There was also another paper called DE PLOEG, which started business in the autumn of 1943 and was sponsored by the party of Doctor COLIJN; it had a fairly large circulation.

(223)  See report, pages 182-183.

(224) Report by Biallosterski, alias Bruin, alias Draughts, on the Underground Press in Holland, dated July 25th, 1944


DRAUGHTS II (van Paaschen) reported (225) the arrival of GUUS and JOSEPHINE (ROWING and TIDDLYWINKS).JOSEPHINE had broken her leg and landing but the package was safe. London asked (226) whether the Queens photograph had been received. He should be on his guard against penetration and break contact with ST. JUDE (of SIS).
DRAUGHTS II reported (227) that ROWING’s code was almost illegible. Would London send him a further one-time pad? The Queen’s photograph was lost but he had received one from Bert de Goede (Rummy). London promised (228) to send new codes for ROWING and TIDDLEYWINKS. Would DRAUGHTS II give details of important arrest among resistance organizations? DRAUGHTS II would be glad (229) to receive two Eurekas and two S-Phones, pistols and cycle tyres in the next delivery. London would be sending (230) propaganda material for German soldiers in Holland and for distribution in Germany according to the BONZO plan. London pointed out (231) that the situation in France was not very clear and that micro-photos should therefore be sent by Switzerland or else in duplicate or triplicate by pigeons.

(225) Draughts II via Teifi 21 of 19.8.44
21 stop Guus en Josephine aangekomen stop Josephine brak been bij landing stop Pakket in veiligheid stop Is vliegtuig teruggekeerd stop
Felicitaties HANS met huwelijk stop Laatst ontvangen bericht was nr acht ontvangen nr zeventien TM een en twintig stop Met Frans en mij alles OK stop

10 to Draughts II via night Teifi of 21.8.44
10 stop Is foto Koningin met onderschrift goed ontvangen stop Kunt u nog telegrafisten opleiden zoo ja dan zenden wij meer sets stop Verdeel geld niet via Nat. Comite stop Een onzer agenten was op weg naar HOLLA doch blijkbaar nog steeds niet aangekomen (
Sjeerp Postma) stop Pas dus op voor penetratie stop Verbreek alle contracten met ST. JUDE (Herman Leus van BI/SIS) stop

Draughts II via Teifi srl. B4610/72 of 22.8.44
Code Guus bijna onleesbaar stop Zend hem nieuwe TP herhaal TP en voor mij een prefix nummer SUGPMYNAR twee en twintig stop Tulip nog steeds OK en verwachten dus nog een zending FL daar materiaal ontvangen MISSEVHTER gegevens voor BONZO gaarne hierover bericht stop Foto Koningin verloren doch ontving een exemplaar van Bert de Goede stop

(228) 11 to Draughts II via night Teifi of 23.8.44
Terrein Tulip ondertusschen geweigerd stop Zoekt ander terrain ongeveer vijf herhaal vijf kms zuid oost van Tulip stop Geef belangrijke arrestaties onder vermelding naam organisatie stop Goed werk
en bedankt van HANS stop Zenden twee pakken en duiven naar nieuwe grond Tulip also ok nieuwe coden voor Guus en Josephine stop Wij gebruiken prefix Hans U heeft niets nodig stop

Draughts II via Teifi 24 of 25.8.44
24 stop Met volgende zending ontvangen wij gaarne twee Eurekas en twee S-Phones, twee stens, vijf pistolen, negen duiven, twee Heren- en twee Dames horloges; twintig stel fietsbanden, kostuums voor Guus en Frans; een paar schoenen voorFrans stop Opgave Pers en Bonzo volgen spoedigst stop Twee broadcast receivers en een vibrator stop

12 to Draughts II via night Teifi of 25.8.44
RAF herhaal RAF vragen nieuw terrein Tulip ongeveer tien herhaal tien kilometers zuid of zuidwest van oude grond Tulip stop Verwachten spoedig antwoord stop Zenden ook materiaal voor Duitsche soldaten in Nederland en voor verspreiding in Duitsland volgens plan BONZO stop

13 to Draughts II via night Teifi of 26.8.44
Situatie in Frankrijk niet duidelijk en daardoor vrezen moeilijkheden voor koeriersters langs die weg stop Indien nog mogelijk zend microfotos via Zwitserland of anders per duiven in duplo of triplo stop Zenden 10 duiven deze periode naar nieuwe grond Tulip stop Microfotos T, herhaal T, van 1 tot 340 aangekomen stop

Request for Propaganda Material

DRAUGHTS II reported (232) that JOSEPHINE was making good recovery. Would London send copies of
‘Vrij-Nederland’ , the latest editions of ‘Wervelwind’ (the miniature magazine dropped by the RAF), The papers of social, political or economic interest, in order that the Dutch might get a broad view of Allied plans and preparations for the post-war period. Would London please send 5000 Guilders to meet the cost of technical apparatus?

(232) Draughts II via Teifi 25 of 28.8.44
Josephine gaat goed vooruit stop Mijn nr25. Zend voor pers van Londensche ‘Vrij Nederland’ laatste zes uitgaven zoo ook van ‘Wervelwind’, ‘London Illustrated News’ The Economist en bladen met sociaal - politieke - en monetaire inhoud, zoodat wij een ruim inzicht krijgen in de geallieerde plannen en voorbereidingen voor de na-oorlogse tijd stop Verzoek al dit materiaal in 14 voudig te zenden  Einde.

(233) Draughts II via Teifi 29 of 29.8.44
Het vorige geld is verdeeld via pers IERN waarin alle bladen zijn vertegenwoordigd en waarvan een als onze gevolmachtigde optreedt stop Mijn nr. 29. Zend 5000 Gulden kosten technisch apparaat en zoo mogelijk tabak en cigaretten stop

Wholesale Arrests in Underground Press

DRAUGHTS II reported that (234) the whole of the “Christophoor” organization had been arrested two weeks previously. An attempt at reconstruction was being made. Two members of the editorial staff of “Je Maintiendrai” and twelve couriers of other organizations had been also arrested. The consequences of this could not yet be assessed. “Je Maintiendrai” was still appearing normally. London advise DRAUGHTS II (235) of the proposal to give official recognition to the resistance groups in Holland. Could DRAUGHTS II give contact addresses with passwords for Noord and Zuid Holland for the last stage of the war(236)? Resistance groups should cease all sabotage and help the Allies as much as possible (237). Quislings should be arrested and valuable papers held until they could be passed to the Allies.

(234)  Draughts-2 via Teifi 32 of 31.8.44
32 stop Twee weken terug warden gearresteerd zoo goed als geheele Christophoor organisatie stop Men is weer bezig met reconstructieve voorts twee redactie leden ‘Je Maintiendrai’ met twaalf koeriers stop Reorganisaties gevolgen nog niet overzichtelijk stop Je Maintiendrai verschijnt normaal verder stop De arrestaties van vele LO herhaal LO menschen in de afgelopen maanden is u vermoedelijk reeds bekend stop
Zend voor Josephine Cheerio stop

(235)  16 to Draughts-2 via night Teifi of 1.9.44
Wij maken bij u bekend dat overwogen wordt om actieve Nederlansche verzetsgroepen bij krijgsverrichtingen te erkennen stop Zij zullen onder eenhoofdige Nederlandsche leiding staan namelijk onder Prins Bernhard stop Geven orders en aanwijzingen moeten met de meeste stiptheid worden opgevolgd teneinde erkenning mogelijk te maken stop Niet publiceren stop Zeer geheim einde

(236)  21 to Draughts-2 via Teifi of 4.9.44
Kunt u snel geven contact adressen met paswoord in Noord en Zuid Holland voor laatste stadium oorlog stop Verzetsgroepen moeten alle sabotage stoppen en de geallieerden zoo veel mogelijk helpen stop Alle NSBers en andere Quislings arresteren en vasthouden stop Alle waardevolle Sicherheits Dienst papieren moeten in beslag genomen worden en voor de geallieerden bewaard blijven stop

(237)  srl B8585 to Draughts-2 via Teifi of 4.9.44 (zie 236)

Tense Atmosphere in The Hague

(van Paaschen) should (238) make it known in Amsterdam and Rotterdam that it was preferable to sink ships rather than that the Germans should fill them with explosives and use them for sealing the ports. DRAUGHTS II was sent a message (239) outlining the immediate functions of resistance in Holland.
DRAUGHTS II was informed (240) of the landing of paratroops at Arnhem, Nijmegen and Grave and given instructions to pass on to resistance groups. DRAUGHTS II reported (241) that on Tuesday the atmosphere in The Hague was very strained. It was said that the Allies would arrive there the same evening and the Germans and NSB members made a hasty flight. The resistance movements were to go into action at 1 o’clock, but further information revealed that these rumours were incorrect. Action was suspended until further orders. DRAUGHTS II had heard that an agent had landed in Wieringermeer with a parcel for the Dutch underground press (242). Was this correct and if so why was he not informed in good time? DRAUGHTS II was informed (243) that the task of the resistance after the passing of Allied troops was to mop up enemy bodies and other Quislings who could be dangerous, such as snipers, etc. In case of need Allied troops could be called in to help.
DRAUGHTS II reported (244) that as from that day no more passenger trains were running between 10 and 16 hours. There were no steam trains running at any time. All ships had been undermined and were heavily guarded. Sinking was now only possible by Limpits. Would London send a supply of these?
(Who was this agent who was dropped in the Wieringermeer?)

Dutch Factories Making Rocket Parts

DRAUGHTS II gave the position (245) of a rocket firing point near Wassenaar. The firing point mechanism had been moved so that the resistance groups were unable to prevent the firing of the rockets. DRAUGHTS II gave details of (246) of factories which had been issued with secret orders and given priority for manufacturing parts of rockets. These factories were at Tiel, Amersfoort and Schiedam. DRAUGHTS II reported the evacuation of the following towns: Santpoort, Bloemendaal, IJmuiden, Velzen, Beverwijk , Heemskerk and Uitgeest (247).

(238)  22 to Draughts-2 via night Teifi of 8.9.44
Moet spoed bekend maken om in Amsterdam en Rotterdam over schepen te laten zinken door huidplaat weg te nemen dan dat Duitschers schepen en baggermolens vullen met explosieven en gebruiken voor afsluiten havens stop

(239)  23 to Draughts-2 via Teifi of 8.9.44
Targets to be protected stop Schiehaven en Parkhaven road tunnel under Maas stop Electrical power plants including those at Galliliestraat en Schiehaven stop Try to provide pilots river craft and dock personnel stop Protect railway administrative buildings Utrecht stop Guard important buildings The Hague stop Patrol road The hague Rotterdam stop Protect bridges and railway line Rotterdam Utrecht
… no more text visible.

(240)  33 to Draughts-2 via Teifi of 17.9.44

(241)  Draughts-2 via Teifi 37 of 8.9.44
37 stop Dinsdag stemming in Den Haag zeer nerveus stop Men zei dat geallieerden desavonds alhier zouden aankomen stop Haastige vlucht Duitschers en NSBers SS IDCAQS een uur zou verzetsbeweging actief worden stop Bij nadere informative bleken geruchten onjuist te zijn stop Men zag tot nadere order van actie af stop Alles normaal stop Spoorwegstaking gewenst stop Guus vraagt actieve instructies stop Hij is bij Hans verwachten geen zendingen meer stop

(242) Draughts-2 via Teifi 39 of 8.9.44.
Nr 39. Vernam in Wieringermeer agent geland met o.a. pakket voor Pers stop Klopt dit zoo ja waarom ons niet tijdig op de hoogte gebracht stop

(243)  Srl B8036 to Draughts-2 via Teifi of 9.9.44

To Draughts-2 via night Teifi of 9.9.44
Instructies voor GUUS. Tracht in contact te komen met BERT DE GOEDE herhaal BERT DE GOEDE of RVV teneinde te helpen als instructeur voor Rotterdam wachten antwoord stop Voorlopig onmogelijk pers producten te zenden maar u moet trachten verbinding met Duitschland in te stellen in verband met BONZO herhaal BONZO deze zeer belangrijk voor later stop Agent Wieringermeer was bestemd voor LO herhaal LO producten waren voor pers bestemd Einde.

(244)  Draughts-2 via Teifi srl B 1342/69 of 15.9.44
33 stop Geen burgertreinenloop meer vanaf heden tussen tien en zestien uur stop Stoomtreinen geheel niet meer stop

(245)  Draughts-2 via Teifi srl B 1491/98 of 17.9.44
48 stop Centraal punt afvuring rockets wit Landhuis Wassenaar coordinaten drie en twintig zestig en zes en vijftig vijf en negentig kaart blad dertig uitgave negentien veertien stop Zoonet afvuur mechanism verplaatst maar verzetsgroepen niet meer in staat afvuren te verhinderen adviseeren militaire steun stop

  Draughts-2 via Teifi srl B 1674 of 21.9.44
Fabrieken voorzien met geheime orders en bevoorrading ter vervaardiging onderdeelen rockets stop NV Metalenfabriek Daaldrop te Tiel stop NV AMAF firma Huyget en Wessel Nijverheidsstraat Amersfoort stop ODARATODA Staalwerken voorheen H.J. van der Kamp te St. Oedenrode stop Vloeibaar zuurstof komt uit Schiedam stop Fabrieken niets bekend stop Uw nrs drie en vier en dertig onmiddellijk doorgegeven stop

Draughts II via Teifi srls. B1661/43 and B1668
Ontving uw nrs  tot en met 38 stop
Mijn nr 52 stop Bevinden ons in Vredespaleis rpt Vredespaleis stop Een van ons in actief verzet stop Toestand Josephine niet zoo gunstig stop Ligt in Diakonessenhuis Haarlem stop Guus nog niet in staat naar Rotterdam te gaan stop Evacuatie bevolen VXR volgende plaatsen: Santpoort, Bloemendaal, IJmuiden, Velzen, Beverwijk, Heemskerk, Uitgeest stop

July - September 1944, page 229      III. Clandestie Press

BEZIQUE - W/T Traffic

London regretted
(248) that operations had been impossible during the last moon period owing to bad weather, but someone would soon be sent with material to meet BEZIQUE (Jan Steman) at his contact address. HANS (DRAUGHTS) had arrived safely. Owing to BEZIQUE’s silence it was assumed by London that something was wrong with ST. JUDE (the SIS operator).BEZIQUE should therefore keep quiet until the new agent had arrived with the correct password. BEZIQUE asked London(249) to send material soon ‘for heaven’s sake, as he had no material for listening to broadcast. It was ‘bloody hopeless’ doing nothing all the time.
London cabled
(250) a message for GUUS (ROWING) asking him what had happened to the Queen’s message. BEZIQUE was asked whether he had now received two new W/T sets. BEZIQUE replied (251) that these had arrived. He reported (252) that the latest launching site for flying bombs was in the Haagsche Bosch, near The Hague.

St. Jude (Herman Leus)  was arrested December 1944 and executed March 8, 1945 as a reprisal on the attack on Rauter. He was dropped with BI agent Jan Faber 10 days after Draughts/Bezique. Faber survived the war, not being caught.

19 to Nidd of 19.7.44
To Nidd via night Nidd.
Regret operation last moon impossible owing bad weather but sending someone soon with material to contact you at your contact address. Hans arrived safely. Owing your silence presume something wrong with ST. JUDE therefore keep quiet until our contact arrives giving correct password.

Bezique 29 of 5.8.44
Don’t have this telegram

(250) 21 of Bezique of 23.8.44
To Draughts via night Teifi.
Is foto Koningin met onderschrift goed ontvangen? Nr 10. Kunt u nog telegrafisten opleiden, zoo ja dan zenden wij meer sets stop Verdeel geld niet via Nat. Comite stop Een onzer (
Sjeerp Postma) agenten was op weg naar Holla doch is blijkbaar nog steeds niet aangekomen stop Pas op voor penetratie. Verbreek contacten met
St. Jude stop

(251) Bezique via Teifi 31 of 26.8.44
Don’t have this telegram

Bezique via Teifi 35 of 15.9.44
Don’t have this telegram

Orders for Helder, dated July 25th, 1944.

From Draughts-2 via Teifi of 19th  Augustus 1944.  VIII/61
21 stop Guus en Josephine aangekomen stop Josephine brak haar been bij landing. Pakket in veiligheid. Is vliegtuig teruggekeerd?
Felicitaties Hans met huwelijk stop Laatst ontvangen bericht was nr 8 ontvangen nr 17 TM 21 stop Met Frans en mij alles Oke stop

These telegrams I don’t understand, FRANS (Steman) had no W/T set but also no receiver! How was he able to send and receive messages from London after the latter ordered him to break contact with St. Jude. Or did he already received the two sets from Guus who was dropped in the night of the 9th of August. Was his first out going telegram sent on the 19th of August? Ten days after Guus was dropped?

(contact with clandestine press)


’s training name was HELDER. He should be known in the field as GUUS (Frank Hamilton) (253) . HANS (DRAUGHTS) had contacted the illegal press in April 1944. He had given them money and delivered a special message from Queen Wilhelmina. Unfortunately he and his operator FRANS (Jan Steman) had lost their W/T material on landing. After completing his mission Hans had returned to this country to arrange delivery of new W/T material. While HANS was returning FRANS had sent us a few messages on another W/T operator’s set. An attempt had been made to send new material but the aircraft had been lost. FRANS had given particulars of a dropping ground called Tulip, but as this ground and the BBC message connected with it had been mentioned in a message from another organization, it was feared that it was no longer safe and might even be known to the Gestapo. HANS had left in charge a certain PIETER DEKKER (van Paaschen), but no message had been received from FRANS or PIETER since June 27th. The following were possible reasons:

1. The other organization, on instructions, had broken contact with FRANS. Leaving him without communication.
2. FRANS was in trouble.
3. The other organization had gotten into difficulties and FRANS had broken contact and was lying low or trying to make his escape.

GUUS (Frank Hamilton) together with his partner JOSEPHINE (Frankie Hamilton) would be sent to Holland to a person named in their orders. They would pass to him the above information and ask him to find out if PIETER DEKKER (van Paaschen) was still safe. If DEKKER was safe they should contact him and explain that HANS was in England and that they had been sent to re-establish contact and deliver propaganda material, 25.000 Dutch guilders and W/T apparatus for FRANS(Jan Steman). GUUS would tell PIETER that in addition to making these deliveries his mission was to act as reception committee leader ad that JOSEPHINE was to assist the Clandestine Press in their photographic work.

PIETER had asked for a quicker method of sending films to England. GUUS would explain the method of dispatch by pigeon and would point out that failing delivery of pigeons the films could be collected in Paris. The Clandestine Press should give an address and password in Paris where these films could be picked up. GUUS would transmit this intelligence through FRANS but failing W/T contact he would embody it in an innocent letter. GUUS would point out that as he and JOSEPHINE had not been in Holland for a considerable time PIETER should arrange for them to live underground in safe houses. He would make no contacts other than those arranged for him by PIETER. GUUS and JOSEPHINE would be dropped in Holland on the first favourable night in the July/August moon period. He and JOSEPHINE would each have 5000 Dutch guilders, 2500 French francs and 2500 Belgian francs for their own use. He would take a pigeon by which he could send a message advising London of his safe arrival.


’ training name was HEMERIK. She would be known in the field as JOSEPHINE (254). She would be dropped in Holland in the July/August moon period together with her partner GUUS. FRANS would act as W/T operator for JOSEPHINE and GUUS, but the latter (Guus) would do all the encoding and decoding of their own messages.
ROWING and TIDDLEYWINKS were sent to the field on the night of August 9th, 1944. The operation was successful.

(254) Orders for Tiddleywinks, dated July 26th, 1944.

- W/T  Traffic

ROWING’s first message (255) stated that he was hardly able to read his W/T plan since he had landed in a canal.
JOSEPHINE had had to destroy her codes and the Queen’s message before going into hospital. London replied
(256) that new codes for JOSEPHINE and ROWING would be sent during the current moon period.

To Tiddlywinks via night Teifi of 21.8.44
Glad to hear you and Guus arrived and package now safe stop Excellent work stop We are all very sorry about your accident stop Hope you are getting on well stop Please keep us informed stop Long live Holland stop

(255) Rowing via Teifi 1 of 31.8.44
1 stop Can not find indicator of your first message to me stop Got message via Pieter stop Thanks greeting Sally stop My TP hardly readable because landed in canal stop Josehine had to destroy codes and Queens message before going to hospital stop In future used Pieters code stop Holland for ever stop

(256) 1 to Rowing via Teifi of 1.9.44
Glad to hear from you stop Josephine progressing stop Indicator our first message was for her stop Sending new codes for you and her this moon stop

July - September 1944, page 231         IV. Mission to Holland



LIEUTENANT-GENERAL W.B. SMITH, Chief of Staff of the US Army, in a letter to PRINCE BERNHARD (257) stated that since the area of active operations was beginning to move towards the frontiers of Holland, the Supreme Commander had decided that the time had come to regard members of the resistance movements in Holland as the “Netherlands Forces of the Interior”. PRINCE BERNHARD had been nominated by the Netherlands Government to lead the Netherlands Forces of the Interior under the command of GENERAL EISENHOWER. This would take effect forthwith. The Supreme Commander’s directives on the action required by the Netherlands Forces of the Interior would be issued from time to time to PRINCE BERNHARD who, assisted by a small staff, would continue to operate through the agency of the Commander. Special Forces. PRINCE BERNHARD and his staff proceeded abroad on September 7th . He was accompanied by a British officer (258) from the Dutch Country Section together with a W/T operator who could provide the Mission with direct communication to Special Forces Headquarters. This formed a nucleus for the subsequent mission to Holland after the liberation.

NORTHAW  -  W/T Traffic

NORTHAW party reported safe arrival in its first telegram dated September 7th (259). They were spending the night in Douai and would go to Brussels the next day. London cabled (260) that in accordance with NORTHAW’s request instructions to the resistance groups outside the Arnhem airhead would be sent out at the same time as those to resistance inside the airhead. No orders would be issued before the airborne landing. There would be constant contact with GENERAL BROWNING. All JEDBURGH teams were standing by; they had been delayed by bad weather. NORTHAW cabled (261) that after the first airborne landing every effort should be made to save to save the bridges over the Wilhelmina canal. These were of the utmost importance. The orders regarding these bridges must be given after the airborne landing. In no circumstance should they be given before the operation had taken place (262). Further instructions to resistance could be given at London’s discretion over Radio Orange in PRINCE BERNHARD’s name. Further useful activities for resistance were the marking of minefields and the passing of information regarding German troop dispositions.

(257)  SHAEF / 17240/ 28/Ops (C) of 31.8.44
(258)  EEMF/2369 of 2.9.44
(259)  Northaw srl B 936/7 of 7.9.44
(260)  2 to Northaw of 8.9.44
(261)  Northaw 3 of 8.9.44
(262)  Northaw 8 of 8.9.44

July - September 1944, page 232         IV. Mission to Holland

Resistance Movements Pleads for Arms

London transmitted (263) the following message from Dutch resistance to PRINCE BERNHARD, which had been received via

London advised
NORTHAW (264) that the resistance movement was prepared to start a railway strike in Holland on receipt orders from London. The Airborne Division had been consulted and preferred that a strike should be ordered immediately following the launching of the Arnhem airborne operation.

(263)  5 to Northaw of 9.9.44
(264)  12 to Northaw of 9.9.44

July - September 1944, page 232         IV. Mission to Holland

Continued Rivalry Between Underground Groups

The RVV and the OD had indicated their willingness to serve under PRINCE BERNHARD’s orders
(265). London transmitted to NORTHAW (266) a report from SIS that difficulties had arisen among the various groups in The Hague which were supposed to maintain order. Representatives of the Dutch Government and the OD were trying all these groups under OD control but the more important groups refused this leadership. A neutral leadership was suggested and it was requested that on liberation the police should be in charged with the maintenance of order and that they should be assisted by auxiliary police formed by the Knok Ploegen. Chaos would be result if the OD was charged with the maintenance of order. A further report from SIS which London transmitted (267) to NORTHAW was to the effect that the Knok Ploegen would not accept orders from leaders of a new sabotage groups formed from members of both the RVV and the KP. The KP also refused a single leadership of armed resistance movements in various places, such as Rotterdam.

(265)  13 to Northaw of 9.9.44
(266)  18 to Northaw of 10.9.44
(267)  21 to Northaw of 11.9.44

July - September 1944, page 233         IV. Mission to Holland

Bernhard as Referee

With regards to reports of lack of co[operation among the various underground organizations in Holland PRINCE BERNHARD pointed out
(268)that no organization had any right to issue orders to any other. Orders came only from himself and all organizations had to co-operate in the truest sense and spirit. Any organization which did not loyally co-operate with others on an equal basis would not be helped from headquarters. SOE’s operators in the field were not leaders but were transmitting PRINCE BERNHARD’s orders. All this also applied to the RVV and the KP.

Bernhard versus the BBC

London Cabled
(269) that under the headline “BERNHARD ATTACKS BBC” the Daily Mail had reported that PRINCE BERNHARD accused the BBC of broadcasting premature reports concerning the invasion of Holland and thus causing executions in that country. The BBC were very indignant and requested rehabilitation by means of a statement from PRINCE BERNHARD’s Headquarters. The BBC had merely quoted a statement from a broadcast by GERBRANDY on September 4th. Could London deny this story on PRINCE BERNHARD’s behalf? NORTAW replied (270) that PRINCE BERNHARD knew nothing of this report.

New Move for Unity

London cabled
(271) a report received via SIS that the leadership of the sabotage forces of the Interior had been allotted to the ‘DRIEHOEK’ (‘TRIANGLE’) of the OD, RVV and KP.
In this manner it was it was hoped to attain unity of action.
NORTHAW cabled (272) that with regard to the approaching airborne operation at Arnhem it was important that members of underground movements beyond a radius of 20 miles from the airhead should regard themselves as not liberated and work with necessary caution. PRINCE BERNHARD insisted that after the launching of the airborne operation a message should be broadcast to stay absolutely quiet and abstain from any action or demonstration until their liberation had been achieved. London reported to NORTHAW (273) via SIS that the leaders of the resistance were working satisfactorily and co-operation between the various groups could now be relied upon. All the groups were badly armed.

(268)  Northaw 26 of 11.9.44
(269)  27 to Northaw of 12.9.44
(270)  Northaw srl B1235/32 of 12.9.44
(271)  36 to Northaw of 13.9.44
(272)  Northaw 31 of 14.9.44
(273)  43 to Northaw of 15.9.44

July - September 1944, page 234         IV. Mission to Holland

More premature publicity
London cabled that a report
(274) from the Dutch correspondent KIEK concerning the liberation of Maastricht mentioned that the OD had been provided with weapons by the RAF. This was considered to be very dangerous and PRINCE BERNHARD was requested to stop this sort of thing immediately. PRINCE BERNHARD replied (275) that KIEK could be ‘figuratively shot’.  NORTHAW (Prince Bernhard) must not be blamed for indiscretions by such people.

  44 to Northaw of 15.9.44
(275)  Northaw srl. B1415 of 16.9.44