Jacob Lambeck was chief distribution at Het Parool. Before this he was working at the Nederlandsche Seintoestellen Fabrieken in Hilversum as a carpenter. He had organised a strike and was arrested by the Germans. Witnesses told them he was not well and was released. He was also member of the Westerweel group in Loosdrecht. He had to go underground, he and his wife went to live with the mother of Stallinga. After a while he received a new PB on the name of Jaap Loffers. According to to the PB he was a PTT worker and was allowed free travel by train and was also allowed to be in the luggage part of the trains. In this way he could distribute large amounts of Parool packages.

Source: Madelon de Keizer 'Het Parool 1940-1945'.
Source: Gemeente Archief Amsterdam.