HS7/159 PART I.


                                                           December 1940 - December 1941.



The Section became independent entity on December 20th, 1940 when Mr. R.V. LAMING was placed in charge.


Grave difficulties immediately confronted the Section, due mainly to the opposition of the Chief of the Dutch Secret Service, Mr. VAN 'T SANT, whose influence was extremely great and whose obstructive attitude made it impossible to obtain the services of Dutchmen of military age, whilst, at some time, it closed valuable sources of general information. As a result of this attitude the preveiling outlook of Dutch officials was one of non-considerations set forth in the following paragraph.


All authority naturally derived from Queen WILHELMINA. The appointment of minsters had to be approved by her. The circle from which they could be recruited was of necessity limited to the relatively few possible candidates already in the U.K. most of whom were politicians of the old parties. The influence of VAN 'T SANT on the Queen was quite uncanny and permeated many spheres in which he was not directly interested.

GERBRANDY, the Prime-Minister, was sincere but weak. Thus many ministers and functionaries were imbued with the necessity for confining their activities to the strict limits of their official duties, fearing that any extraneous commitments might involve displeasure and possible dismissal. Obviously their underlings followed the same line. The result was complete apathy as far as such schemes as ours were concerned.


This situation as above outlined made it essential to confine efforts at recruitment to people not connected with the Netherlands Government, thus reducing the available field to an unhealthily small circle.


Consideration was given to the possibility of landing agents by sea, and the support of the RAF was enlisted for reconnaissance flights over the northern islands of HOLLAND. This plan was fraught with difficulties of all kinds. It was a hazardous undertaking at the best, and preparations for it were complicated by the lack of local knowledge.

In March 1941, the question of dropping agents by parachute was discussed. This proposal had previously been rejected as the opinion was that the topography and population density of HOLLAND were unfavourable. Another reason was that it was extremely difficult to secure the right type of man for this highly specialised type of infiltration.

As landing by sea turned out impracticable when attempted in July 1941 (…), parachuting was decided upon and training arrangements instituted.


During the period December 1940 - December 1941 the staff of the Dutch Section at HQ consisted of:

Mr. R.V. LAMING. (Chief).
Lt. KAY.

                                                                      AGENTS SENT.


On the night of September 7th two agents were dropped, vis. HENNING (
Ab Homburg) and STEEN (Cor Sporre), constituting Operation GLASSHOUSE-A.


Apart from aundry possible contacts for securing general intelligence, they were to contact one JAN BOTTEMA, who was to be advised of this organisation's existence and general intentions. They were also to sound BOTTEMA about sea communications.


Nothing was heard from either of the agents, or about them, until on January 4th 1942 a WT operator (
Huub Louwers) sent out with a subsequent operation (CATARHH) reported that one of them had set out for the U.K. (Sporre by canoe). The other man was said to have been caught in early October, escaped and gone into hiding. It subsequently transpired that STEEN (Sporre) left by boat on November 13th. No more was heard of him and he was presumed lost. HENNING (Homburg) was successfully exfiltrated on a trawler and landed in the U.K. on February 20th 1942, bringing with him two more Dutchmen who were put into training as agents.
Homburg) brought back certain information about internal conditions, but it was impossible to send him back again as he was too well-known to escape detection.

.   No despatches.


This is the next month in which agents were sent. The operation was known as "
CATARHH" and consisted of:

Thijs Taconis) - Organiser.
Huub Lauwers) - WT Operator.

They left on 8th November 1941.

Thijs Taconis, born 28-03-1914 Rotterdam, murdered 06-09-1944 Mauthausen. Dropped in the night of 07/08-11-1941 near Ommen, Overijssel. Arrested 09-03-1942. Training name Thijs Timmer, operational name BENBOW, code name in the field Thijs, field name Thijs Timmer. HS9/159. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Hubertus Mattheus Gerardus Lauwers, born 19-07-1915 Amsterdam, died 12-06-2004 Utrecht. Dropped in the night of 07/08-11-1941 near Ommen, Overijssel. Arrested 06-031942. Training name H.M.G. Looman, operational code name EBENEZER, code name in telegrams Van Leeuwen, field name H. Lauwers or Wittebol. HS9/894/3. Source: Frans Kluiters.


Their mission was divided into two parts:

a. To contact the two
GLASSHOUSE couriers sent in September and to assist them to return.
b. Thereafter to proceed with the organisation of sabotage groups in the West of HOLLAND


Nothing was heard from these two agents until January 4th 1942 when the message about
GLASSHOUSE arrived. Traffic proceeded in a reasonably satisfactory manner and CATARHH reported good progress with the proposed sea-route to be arranged via BOTTEMA (then known as BRANDY).

By January 1942, the Germans were aware that attempts were being made to build up sabotage organisations under guidance from London. Their prime source of information was a Dutchman named RIDDERHOF who acted for them in penetration an existing organisation near NIJMEGEN. As a result they found out about a projected dropping of containers from LONDON scheduled for the end of February.

Two containers were dropped on the 27th and were handed over to RIDDERHOF by Capt. VAN DEN BERG, chief of the reception committee for 'safe keeping'. This seems to have been done unwittingly by VAN DEN BERG. This incident convinced the German counter-espionage, led by Oberstleutnant GISKES and Sonderführer HUNTEMANN that somebody was in direct communication by WT with the U.K. Priority was accordingly given to locating the operator. By the beginning of March, the street in The Hague where LOOMAN (
Lauwers) was transmitting was discovered. The district was raided an on the 6th March LOOMAN (Lauwers) was arrested.

According to two reports made since the capitulation by GISKES and HUNTEMANN (as well as one by a certain KUP, who will be referred in another section of this history), LOOMAN (
Lauwers) was soon persuaded to turn and operate under German control. On the 16th March, he sent message No. 17 calling for more supplies and stating that a previously agreed dropping point was too dangerous. Thenceforward all his traffic was German controlled. The implications of this are apparent but will be referred to in more detail in the subsequent comments on the general situation in the field during 1942-1943.

In fairness to LOOMAN (
Lauwers), it must be added that he endeavoured to attract the attention of London HQ to the fact that he was controlled, by omitting to give identity checks when sending his telegram.

Lauwers) was moved from HOLLAND to GERMANY in the summer of 1944. He was in RATHENOW when the Russians arrived and was liberated on April 25th 1945, arriving in ENGLAND on May21st.

Taconis), after working successfully with LOOMAN (Lauwers), had the misfortune to get in touch with an agent provocateur known as JOHNNY (Den Droog) who caused him to be shadowed. On the 18th March 1942, TIMMER (Taconis) made an attempt to rescue one of his group from German captivity; he was arrested during this attempt. The Germans did not, at the time, appreciate the importance of their capture. TIMMER (Taconis) refused to talk at first, but later on, being convinced that the whole organisation was blown, he gave details of his mission. His soldierly behaviour was described by GISKES as exemplary.

Details of his subsequent movements are not clearly established, but he was eventually sent to MAUTHAUSEN Concentration Camp, where he was shot on September 6th 1944.

DECEMBER 1941.   No despatches.



January - February 1942:

Mr. R.V. LAMMING (Chief).
Major LOEWE.
Lt. KAY.

March - December 1942:

Major BLIZZARD (Chief).
Sub. BOND (ATS).
Lt. KAY (Conducting Officer).
Lt. PARR (Conducting Officer).

II. The situation at the end of 1941 could not be described as satisfactory. It seemed apparent that until we could get our affairs segregated from the mass of high level intrigue and allocated to a specified chief with a suitable department in close contact with our section, little progress could be made. Our efforts were, accordingly, directed to that end. In February 1942, with the advent of the new section chief of SOE HQ, Major BLIZZARD, efforts were intensified to reach an understanding with the Dutch.

Eventually Colonel DE BRUYNE, of the Netherlands Marines, was placed in charge of the M.I.D. (Militaire Inlichtingen Dienst = Military Intelligence Service), assisted by Capt. LIEFTINCK, also of the Netherlands Marines and Lt. SCHILP of the Netherlands Navy. (
Did these men have any experience in the field of intelligence work?)

Co-operation between the MID and HQ Dutch Section was cordial and close, but for some time DE BRUYNE's position was insecure and unhappy, due to intrigues against him on high level. In these intrigues the hand of VAN 'T SANT was again evident. He resented the encroachment of his previously unchallenged supremacy in 'secret' affairs and also disliked DE BRUYNE personally. There was also the fact that military circles viewed with disfavour the assumption by a naval man of power in a sphere which, considered theoretically, could not be called connected with the Navy.

In May the intrigues had reached such a pitch that DE BRUYNE, in spite of his anxiety to co-operate with us, was fast finding his position untenable. He was an honest, open kind of man who was unable to cope with the 'palace intrigue' in which he became entangled. His desire was to get on with the job and he suffered from an undermining of his authority and position by powerful self-seeking people of limited vision and mediocre minds.
Negotiations on a high level took place aiming at a clarification of the position, culminating in the intervention of PRINCE BERNHARD. The result was, eventually, the DE BRUYNE's position was strengthened, with a consequent revival of his enthusiasm. More energetic steps were taken to provide us with suitable recruits and the standard of the men sent to us for training was, on the average, high.

In April 1942 a plan was worked out known as the '
PLAN FOR HOLLAND' (to be the subject of an appendix to this section of the history). It was elaborated in collaboration with the Dutch and Colonel DE BRUYNE spent much time in discussing it with us, so that co-operation between SOE Dutch Section and his office was very close. It continued so during the whole year in spite of vicissitudes in DE BRUYNE's career.


During the first three months of the year, as is evidenced by the details of the agents's missions, efforts were directed towards establishing in HOLLAND a nucleus of men who could undertake preparatory work for future operations on a large scale, to follow a concerted plan. The preparatory work may be analysed as follows:

a. The establishment of satisfactory arrangements for the reception of personnel and stores.

b. The establishment of efficient lines of communication between the UK and the field.

c. The recruiting of helpers prepared to participate in more extensive action later.

d. The commission of undetectable acts of sabotage along specific lines.

e. The instruction and training of men in sabotage and subversive work generally.

All this programme was designed gradually to lead up to the introduction of much more ambitious and far- reaching
schemes to be eventually worked out in conjunction with the plans of the Allied High Command.

In April the first draft of the 'PLAN FOR HOLLAND' was drawn up and submitted to Colonel DE BRUYNE's office for consideration and discussion. It was eventually completed in its final form and the agent comissioned to initiate it in the field was JURGENS (operation
MARROW) (George Jambroes, Marrow-Minor). The salient points of the Plan were as follows:

1. It has as its object the creation of a 'Secret Army'.

2. The activities of the Secret Army are divided into two phases, viz:


a. The disruption of enemy communications on or soon after D-Day, according to the strategic plan and the tactical

b. The prevention, by this disruption, of the removal to GERMANY of Dutch locomotives and rolling-stock.


a. After D-Day, the provision of direct support, behind the enemy's lines, to forces in the field.

b. The prevention of demolitions by the enemy:

1. of objectives (bridges, power-stations, dock facilities, etc) which the advancing Allied armies will wish to use.
2. of other objectives constituting scorched-earth policy.

The plan was supported by a wealth of military and industrial intelligence, classified in appendices to the final form and commencing with agent JURGENS (operation
MARROW) organisers and instructors were given all facilities for a detailed study of its objects and implications.

Apart from this plan, directive was issued by General GUBBINS covering the general policy to be followed during the last quarter of the year.

1. To extend contact and communication with the ORDE DIENST so as to cover as many districts as possible,
    endeavouring at the same time to deliver arms and stores to them.

2. To continue to build up the sabotage organisations and to arms and stores to them as far as possible without
    endangering their security.

3. To undertake undetectable sabotage of all forms of transport and of establishments working for the enemy,
    although railway lines should not be attacked until further notice.

Special note regarding operation

This agent (
Roel Jongelie) was given a special mission at the request of the Dutch authorities. Under the details of his mission are given the main headings of his tasks, which were designed to provide the Dutch and us with up-to-date and complete details of all aspects of German measures in occupied HOLLAND - defences, communications, troop concentrations, movements, petrol-stores, living conditions, Luftwaffe dispositions, Naval situations, war industries, etc. The value of such information for general purposes, as well as in relation to the development of the 'PLAN FOR HOLLAND', is apparent.


The lines along which it was supposed and intended that activity in the field should develop are seen from the agents' missions, which were based on the plans formulated, details of which are found in the 'Outline of Planning' attached to this history.

In reality, as is evident from the fate of the agents despatched during 1942, the position was that the German so-called 'AST NIEDERLANDE' under the direction of one Oberstleutnant GISKES, had control over the whole of our organisation. Through that control, they were aware of our plans and were able to carry out large numbers of arrests throughout the country, thereby stifling the development of resistance in general.

They concentrated on forcing or persuading WT operators to work for them and appear to have been largely successful. At the same time, by threats and cajolery they extracted as much information as possible about our organisation in ENGLAND and our plans for subversive action in HOLLAND.

The original penetration was on the occasion of the capture of LOOMAN (
Huub Lauwers) operation CATARHH. From the 'turning' of that agent dates the gradual assumption by the Germans of control over our activities and this control continued the whole of the year. Having all the cards in their hands, the Germans played them cleverly. They maintained heavy traffic on all circuits and described the "successful" completion of sabotage projects which, of course, had never been carried out. In the case of operation 'PARSLEY' they realised that the fictitious collection of intelligence and its transmission to London would involve an enormous amount of laborious work and a waste of WT traffic to little or no purpose. They accordingly decided to eliminate him (Roel Jongelie) and his mission in a convenient way by advising us of his death as a consequence of an accident on landing. Actually, of course, he was in prison.

This is typical of the many ruses to which they resorted and with which they managed to support the facade which they had built. It follows that our plans were rendered nugatory and that during the year under review, we were under a completely false impression.



JANUARY. No Despatches.


Operation -
Agent - DESSING.
Date of departure - 27-02-1942.

Gregorius Petrus Wilhelmus (Gerrit) Dessing, born 27-01-1910 Naaldwijk, died 28-09-1985 Johannesburg, South-Africa.
Dropped in the night of 27/28-02-1942 near Ermelo, Gelderland. Code name Georgie, George Peter William Dirksen, George Dircksen, BRAZEN, code name Loen, fieldname Gerrit Dekkers, Gerrit van der Broek. HS9/428/3. Source: Frans Kluiters.


1. Reconnoitring of southern sea-route possibilities.

2. Arranging for the escape of some important Dutchman such as Dr. COLIJN or Minister VAN DIJK.

3. Contacting Mr. L.J. VAN LOOY (
Levinus van Looi, Amsterdam), a prominent social-democrat and Trade Unionist.

4, Organising sabotage cells in the ROTTERDAM and DORDRECHT area, especially in shipbuilding and shipping circles.


Gerrit Dessing) contacted VAN LOOY, who was running an underground paper called 'VERZET'. He assisted VAN LOOY in the preparation and distribution of this paper. He also looked for suitable landing grounds and did a certain amount of intelligence work. In general, he did what he could to further the cause but he never found a suitable WT operator, so that he did not get into touch with LONDON. (He was to have communicated through the WT operator of operation TURNIP (Jan Molenaar), despatched shortly after him (28/29-03-1942), but who was killed on landing. He felt isolated and lost heart, eventually arranged his own escape via SWITZERLAND whence he was exfiltrated via GIBRALTAR to the UK. His interrogation revealed that he did contact the TURIP organiser, ANDRINGA, but the latter was accompanied by a Gestapo agent and indicated so to DESSING, CARROT (Dessing) dropped the attempt and never saw ANDRINGA again. He was thus without WT communication and without contact with those agents from LONDON with whom he expected to work.

He found himself continually short of money, this in itself cramping his activities As he was in no position to supply any sabotage organisation with material, he thought it futile to undertake the building-up of groups.

His investigation of possible sea-routes in the South convinced his movement restrictions and defence measures precluded such a scheme being successful. To attempt the exfiltration of important people was also a task beyond his capacity.

The mission must be considered a failure due partly to bad luck and partly DESSING's losing heart and consequently adopting a passive rather than an active attitude. He arrived back in the UK and 2nd September 1943 and has since been employed in the Netherlands Ministry of Finance. (
What could he have done in his position?)


Operation -

Agents - ANDRINGA (Organiser).
          - MOLENAAR (WT operator).

Date of departure - 28-03-1942.

Leonardus Theodorus Cornelis Andringa, born 22-11-1913 The Hague, murdered 06-09-1944 Mauthausen. Dropped in the night of 28/29-03-1942 near Holten, Overijssel. Arrested 28-04-1942. Training name Leo Akkerman, operational name TURNIP, AKKI, Akki Gielen, Leo, HISTORIAN. Code name in the field LEO. Field name Willem van Gielen, J. van Elzen. HS9/37/6. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Jan Molenaar, born 12-04-1918 Waddinxveen, died 29-03-1942 Hellendoorn. Training name Jan Maartens. Operational name
TURNIP II, MARTIN, Maertens. Code name in the field JOHN. Fieldname Jan Molenaar. HS9/1048/4. Source: Frans Kluiters.


1. To investigate the possible opening of a new sea-route for in- and exfiltration.

2. To reconnoitre specified targets in Brabant and recruit men willing to sabotage them.


Jan Molenaar) was killed on landing. ADRINGA (Leo Andringa) was arrested by the SIPO in early April 1942, on information supplied by a woman in UTRECHT. Details are not known. ADRINGA had recruited a local WT operator known as SWEDE and it is thought that the Germans, by discovering the TURNIP signal plan on MOLENAAR's body, were able to track down SWEDE whom they operated.

ADRINGA was first sent to HAAREN Concentration Camp, then to RAWICZ, SILESIA and finally to MAUTHAUSEN, where he was executed in September 1944.

Operation -

Agent - BAATSEN.

Date of departure - 27-03-1942.

Arnoldus Albert (Nol) Baatsen, born 11-04-1918 Amsterdam, murdered 07-09-1944 Mauthausen. Dropped in the night of 27/28-03-1942 near Kallenkote, Steenwijk, Overijssel. Arrested on landing. Training name Arnoldus Albert Bouwman. Code name in the field ABOR. Fieldname Baatsen, BLONDE RITA, FINSTRA. HS9/69/4. Source: Frans Kluiters.


1. To reconnoitre the telephone exchange near VOORBURG (suburb of The Hague).

2. To deal with the Hotel AURORA, HQ of the German Nachrichtdienst, containing an important telephone exchange.

3. To destroy or damage a large store of provisions for German Naval Personnel at RIJNSBURG, near LEIDEN.

4. To damage as much as possible the petrol dock serving the aerodrome at YPENBURG, near The Hague.

After completion of these tasks to return to the UK by a route to be arranged by us.


The impending departure of
WATERCRESS (Nol Baatsen) was signalled to CATARHH (Huub Louwers) om March 19th in telegram No. 21. He dropped on March 27th to a Dutch reception committee under SD control. CATARHH advised LONDON of his "safe" arrival in his telegram of 28th March 1942, ref. CXC24.

He is alleged by the Germans to have offered voluntarily to work for them and to have been used by the SIPO for spying on his fellow prisoners at HAAREN Concentration Camp. This may be true but nevertheless, we have been advised that he was shot at MAUTHAUSEN in September 1944.

Operation -

Agents - RAS (Organiser)
          - JORDAAN (WT operator).

Date of departure - 28-03-1942.

Gozewijn Hendrik Gerard (Gosse) Ras, born 27-08-1914 Amsterdam, murdered 06-09-1944 Mauthausen. Dropped in the night of 28/29-03-1942 near Holten, Overijssel. Arrested 01-05-1942. Training name G. Rolfs. Codename operation LETTUCE/DOLAN. Code name in the field RICKY. Field name Gerard Roelofs, Jan Merens. HS9/1230/7. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Hendrik Johan (Han) Jordaan, born 09-07-1918 Haaksbergen, died 21-04-1945 Mauthausen. Dropped in the night of 28/29-03-1942 near Holten, Overijssel. Arrested 03-05-1942. Operational name TRUMPET MAJOR. Code name in telegrams FRIEND. Code name in the field HAN, VULKAAN. Field name Johan Roessingh. Field name Gerard Roelofs. HS9/812/1. Source Gerard Kluiters.


Organisation of sabotage groups and selection of dropping grounds.


Gosse Ras). Arrested early May 1942 due to information given to the SIPO by a Dutch traitor, Dr. STEMKEL of UTRECHT. He was not heard of again until reported shot at MAUTHAUSEN in September 1944.

Han Jordaan). Arrested at the same time as RAS, and also as a result of denunciation by Dr. STEMKEL. First sent to HAAREN and subsequently transferred to various camps in GERMANY. He was ultimately traced in May 1945 to one of the MAUTHAUSEN camps and was still alive then. He was alleged to have been transferred to an American hospital, but it has so far proved impossible to locate him and he must be regarded as 'missing'.

According to Frans Kluiters Han Jordaan passed away on April 21st 1945.

Operation -

Agents - KLOOS (Organiser).
          - SALBERG (Assistent organiser and instructor).

Day of departure - 05-04-1943.

Barend Klooss, born 22-10-1913 Rotterdam, murdered 06-09-1944 Mauthausen. Dropped in the night of 05/06-04-1942 near Harskamp, Gelderland. Arrested 29-04-1942. Training name Barend Kiek. Operational name TRUMPET MINOR. Code name in telegrams FRIEND. Code name in the field BOB. Field name Barend Klooss. HS9/847/5. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Hendrik Johan (Henk) Sebes, born 23-07-1919 Dordrecht, murdered 06-09-1944 Mauthausen. Dropped in the night of 05/06-04-1942 near Harskamp, Gelderland. Arrested 09-05-1942. Training name Hendrik Salberg. Operational name LEEK II. Code name in telegrams SETES, HECK. Code name in the field HENK. Field name Henk Sebes, De Swart. HS9/1335/7. Source: Frans Kluiters.


Both men were to work in OVERIJSSEL and to carry out:

a. immediate acts of sabotage to hinder the enemy war effort.

b. acts which could hamper and hinder the Germans in the event of their invading ENGLAND from HOLLAND
    or of our invading the continent via HOLLAND.


Barend Klooss) and SALBERG (Henk Sebes) were arrested soon after arrival. Both were first sent to HAAREN Concentration Camp and executed at MAUTHAUSEN in September 1944.

Operation -

Agent - DE HAAS.

Date of departure: 19-04-1942.

Joannes Henricus Marie (Jan) de Haas, born 07-02-1918 The Hague, murdered 06-09-1944 Mauthausen. Infiltrated by sea in the night of 18/19-04-1942. Arrested 28-04-1942. Training J.H.M. de Heer. Code name in de field JANTJE and PIJL. Field name De Haas. HS9/641/7. Source: Frans Kluiters.


1. Organisation of ferry service between ENGLAND and HOLLAND.

2. Arranging of suitable accommodation addresses where agents could leave messages asking to be brought back to
   the UK.


Due to the arrest of JORDAAN in April, the Germans were able to decipher messages sent on the
TRUMPET (Jordaan) circuit. It is known that POTATO (de Haas) contacted TRUMPET and it is thought that it was through this contact POTATO was arrested on April 28th 1942.

He was held at DEN HAAG some time before being sent to HAAREN Concentration Camp. From there, he probably went to RAWICZ, but this is not certain. He was eventually transferred to MAUTHAUSEN Camp, where he was executed in September 1944.


Operation -

Agents - PARLEVLIET (sub organiser).
          - VAN STEEN (sub organiser & WT operator).

Date of departure - 29-05-1942.

Hermanus Parlevliet, born 16-05-1916 Baarle-Nassau, executed 30-04-1944 Rawicz, Poland. Dropped in the night of 29/30-o5-1942 near Steenwijk, Overijssel. Arrested on landing. Training name Herman Pijnacker. Operational name BEETROOT I and PIJNAKKER. Code name in the field PUTE. Field name Herman Prins. HS9/ non. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Antonius (Toon) van Steen, born 05-02-1912 Ubbergen, died 31-12-1944 Mauthausen. Dropped in the night of 29/30-05-1942 near Steenwijk, Overijssel. Arrested on landing. Training name Antonius van Sittard. Operational name
BEETROOT II. Code name in de field SOLK. Field name Antonis Swart. HS9/1510/5. Source: Frans Kluiters.


1. General. To investigate the possibilities of opening a new sea-route for in and exfiltration, and to assist TURNIP.

2. To prepare plans and collect stores for the interruption of railway traffic when instructed by LONDON.

3. To carry out sabotage acts in general.


The two agents were dropped to a German reception committee, so were arrested on arrival. PARLEVLIET was imprisoned at HAAREN, but we don't know his ultimate fate and he is still considered "missing".

VAN STEEN was sent at RAWICZ Concentration Camp, in SILESIA in July 1944, but we have no subsequent news, so that he also is posted as "missing".


Operation -

Agent - BUIZER (WT operator).

Date of departure - 22-06-1942.

Johannis Jan Cornelis (Jo) Buizer, born 11-09-1918 Almkerk, murdered 06-09-1944 Mauthausen. Dropped in the night of 22/23-06-1942 near Rijssen, Overijssel. Arrested on landing. Contact address: Alex Wins, Topaasstraat 21III, Amsterdam. Training name Johannis J.C. Brouwer. Code name BONI. Code name in the field PIET. Field name Jan Cornelis Loohuizen. HS9/ non. Source: Frans Kluiters.


1. To act as WT operator to
PARSNIP (van Rietschoten), as well as to assist him generally.

2. To act, if necessary as WT operator to
POTATO (de Haas).


Dropped at the same time as
PARSNIP (van Rietschoten) and arrested with him. Subsequently reported executed at Mauthausen Concentration Camp in September 1944.

Operation -


Date of departure - 22-06-1942.

Jan Jacob van Rietschoten, born 25-08-1921 Rotterdam, executed 00-07-1944 near Haaren, Noord-Brabant. Dropped in the night of 22/23-06-1942 near Rijssen, Overijssel. Arrested on landing. Contact address: Alex Wins, Topaasstraat 21III, Amsterdam. Escaped from Haaren Concentration Camp 22-11-1943, recaptured 00-05-1944. Training name Jan Jacob van Rossum. Code name in the field JAN. Field name Theo Sterk, Johan van Rooyen, Theodorus Kleyn, SAY-YA, IAY (your friend Jan). HS9/1509/7. Source: Frans Kluiters.


a. organising and instructing groups of men for sabotage in the province of ZUID-HOLLAND.

b. Arranging reception transport and storage of arms and material.

c. Acts of opportunistic sabotage.

d. Maintain in touch with
POTATO (de Haas) and SPINACH (Buizer) (see under SPINACH).


From LONDON's telegram of 15th June 1942 No.28 to
TRUMPET, the Germans learned of the impeding arrival of PARSNIP. He was arrested on arrival as the reception committee was German. He was imprisoned in HAAREN Concentration Camp, whence he escaped on November 22nd 1943. He apparently left there with VAN DER GIESSEN of operation CABBAGE. A German source states that he was arrested with CABBAGE whilst travelling in the train from ROTTERDAM to ZEELAND and that he was subsequently executed. No confirmation of this exists and he is listed as "missing".

Operation -

Agents - JAMBROES (Organiser).
           - BUKKENS (WT operator).

Date of departure - 26-06-1942.

George Louis Jambroes, born 22-04-1905 Amsterdam, murdered 06-09-1944 Mauthausen. Dropped in the night of 26/27-06-1942 near Wezep, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Training name Gerard Lodewijk Jurgens. Operational name MARROW-MINOR. Code name in the field Johannes and JANSEN. Field name Gerrit Leendert Jonkers. HS9/787/1. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Joseph (Sjef) Bukkens, born 08-06-1916 Vlissingen, murdered 06-09-1944 Mauthausen. Dropped in the night of 26/27-06-1942 near Wezep, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Training name Joseph Boogaert. Operational name
MARROW II and MARROW-MAJOR. Code name in telegrams 'Brother-in-Law' and Buckles, Bogaart, Jonkers Smit. Code name in the field Smit. Field name Evert Loohuizen. HS9/ none. Source: Frans Kluiters.


To contact leaders of the 'ORDE DIENST' and to explain to them the 'Plan for Holland' which had been compiled in LONDON and agreed between the British and Dutch authorities. Thereafter to organise the recruiting of suitable bodies of men to implement the plan. Details of this 'Plan for Holland' are given under the heading 'Outline of Planning'. Thirdly, to organise reception committees.


LONDON advised
CATARHH (Huub Lauwers) of June 15th 1942 in telegram No.61, of the proposed despatch of these two agents as from June 24th. They were both arrested on arrival, their "safe" landing being advised to us by CATARHH on June 27th 1942.

JAMBROES was transferred from HAAREN Concentration Camp to RAWICZ, in SILESIA, where he was seen in June-July 1944. He was subsequently reported to have been executed at MAUTHAUSEN in September 1944.

BUKKENS was also transferred to RAWICZ and shot at MAUTHAUSEN in September 1944.


Operation -


Date of departure - 23-07-1942.

Gerard John van Hemert, born 28-04-1920 Brooklyn, USA, murdered 06-09-1944 Mauthausen. Dropped in the night of 23/24-07-1942 near Rijssen, Overijssel. Arrested on landing. Training name Gerrit van Haaften. Code name HECK BLUE. Code name in the field JACOB, Jacob van Haaften. Field name Gerrit van Hasselt. HS9/1505/7. Source: Frans Kluiters.


To amplify the instructions given to KLOOS (operation
LEEK) before departure and to have a report made out as to his progress, such report to be enciphered and collected by us.


Arrested on landing, July 24th 1942. No further news of him until May 1945, when he was reported executed at MAUTHAUSEN in September 1944.

AUGUST.    No despatches.


Operation -


Date of departure - 24-09-1942.

Karel Willem Adriaan Beukema toe Water, born 20-06-1909 Tegal, Java, Dutch east Indies. Murdered 07-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped in de night of 24/25-09-1942 near Valkenheide, Utrecht. Arrested on landing. Training name Adriaan Beekman. Operational name KALE, VALK, KEES. Name in the field BILL. Code name in the field HENDRIK, Field name Frederik Kuipers of P. Adams. HS9/1560/4. Source: Frans Kluiters.


Having studied exhaustively the 'Plan for Holland' given to
MARROW (Jambroes), KALE was to be prepared to relieve MARROW of his duties and to take over from him as soon as possible, continuing his work. MARROW was to be exfiltrated but this was not KALE's task but that of MANGOLD (Droogleever Fortuijn) (see operation MANGOLD).


Dropped to a German-controlled reception committee and arrested on 25th September 1942. He was seen at RAWICZ Concentration Camp in July 1944, but in May 1945 he was reported executed at MAUTHAUSEN in September 1944.

Operation -

Agent - DROOGLEVER-FORTUYN (WT operator).

Date of departure - 24-09-1942.

Cornelis (Cees) Droogleever-Fortuijn, born 10-04-1922 Amsterdam, murdered 07-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped in the night of 24/25-09-1942 near Balloo, Drenthe. Arrested on landing. Training name Cornelis Dirk Felders. Operational name DUBOIS? Code name in the field Dekker, WIM. Field name Arie Johannes Laumen. HS9/530/1. Source: Frans Kluiters.


Based on the 'Plan for Holland'. To work in with
KALE (Beukema toe Water) and CAULIFLOWER (Mooy) (see notes regarding CAULIFLOWER operation). Specific tasks were:

a. To organise without delay two reception committees for stores and men.

b. To arrange for transport of such stores to suitable places in the region.

c. To tell
MARROW by what means he can arrange to be exfiltrated.

d. To tell
MARROW of the impending arrival of his successor and of organiser-instructors for the operation of the 'Plan for Holland.

e. To assist
MARROW in all possible ways.


Dropped to German-controlled reception committee and arrested at once (25-09-1942). After being held for a time in HOLLAND, he was transferred to RAWICZ, SILESIA and is known to have been there in June 1944. He was ultimately sent to MAUTHAUSEN where he was executed in September 1944.

Operation -


Date of departure - 24-09-1942.

Roelof Christiaan (Roel) Jongelie, born 25-02-1903 Amsterdam, murdered 07-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped in the night of 24/25-09-1942 near Balloo, Drenthe. Arrested on landing. Training name Loek Jansma. Code name in telegrams Jongelief. Code name Arie Chalfont, OFFICIER, Code name in the field ARIE. Field name Henri Jean Comielle Haver. HS9/810/2. Source: Frans Kluiters.


This man, as an older type than usual and extremely reliable was sent at the request of the Dutch authorities. His tasks were:

a. To contact the leaders of the Inlichtingendienst (I.D.), the Secret Intelligence Service in HOLLAND (
Groep van Hattem). To explain to them that he was to act as Liaison officer of the Dutch Military Intelligence Service and as such to be the channel for instructions from LONDON to the I.D. This organisation to be told at once to give all possible assistance to JONGELIE by providing reports, information, agents and any other help necessary for him in the execution of his duties as the Dutch Government's official envoy.

Details of the headings under which intelligence was to be collected and forwarded, will be found in the "General" summary for 1942.


Dropped to a German controlled reception committee and arrested 25th September 1942. The Germans, finding JONGELIE's mission too involved for them to pretend in their traffic back to ENGLAND that it was being carried out, decided to report that he was killed on landing.

Our latest information is to the effect that he was eventually shot at MAUTHAUSEN Concentration Camp on 6th September 1944.

Operation -

Agent - MOOY.

Date of departure - 24-09-1942.

Adriaan Klaas (Arie) Mooy, geboren 11-07-1919 Amersfoort, executed 30-04-1944 Rawicz. Dropped in the night of 24.25-09-1942 near Valkenheide, Utrecht. Arrested on landing. Training name Adriaan Klaas Colenbrander. Code name in the field GERARD, Adriaan Klaas Colenbrander, THOMAS. Field name Willem Wijnand Mooy. HS9/1057/2. Source: Frans Kluiters.


1. To assume the duties of Regional Commander for OVERIJSSEL or GELDERLAND in connection with the 'Plan for
    Holland'. The decision as to the region allotted to be made by
MARROW (Jambroes). In this capacity to give
    guidance and instruction to the personnel already recruited.

2. To organise the reception of personnel and stores.

3. To do the ground work necessary for the eventual exfiltration of
MARROW by Lysander.


Dropped to a German-controlled Reception Committee. Arrested at once and imprisoned at HAAREN Camp. Nothing further is known of him and he is considered "missing".


Operation -


Date of departure - 01-10-1942.

Arie Cornelis (Aart) van der Giessen, born 02-08-1916 Krimpen aan de IJssel, executed 00-07-1944 Haaren. Dropped in the night of 01/02-10-1942 near Assen, Drenthe. Arrested on landing. Escaped in the night of 22/23-11-1943. Recaptured 05-05-1942. Training name Arie van Krimpen. Code name in the field MIK. Code name in the field BRAM. Field name Antoon Gerrit Groen. Field name Jan Willem Schouten. HS9/1504/8. Source: Frans Kluiters.


1. To join
PARSNIP (van Rietschoten) and to assist him in organising sabotage in the province of ZUID-HOLLAND,
    concentrating on transport in all forms.

2. Reconnoitring possible reception grounds in the area.


VAN DER GIESSEN was arrested on arrival, the Reception Committee being German-controlled. He was imprisoned in HAAREN Concentration Camp, but escaped in the night of November 22/22, 1943. Since that time reports of his whereabouts have been circumstantial and varied. It is confirmed that he did escape and that he made his way to the ROTTERDAM area. He endeavoured there to help underground activities. According to one German interrogation, he became involved with an organisation dealing in the manufacture of false documents.

He was proceeding by train from ROTTERDAM towards South-BEVELAND, accompanied by one WEGNER (Operation
LACROSSE, to be referred to under that operation), when he was arrested. The same source stated that he was shot later on, but we have no proof and still regard him as "missing".

Operation -

Agents - STEEKSMA (instructor).
          - KOOLSTRA (Instructor)
          - MACARE (WT operator)

Date of departure - 21 and 24-10-1942.

Horst Reinder Steeksma, born 14-10-1919 Berlin, murdered 06-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped in the night of 24/25-10-1942 near Steenwijk. Arrested on landing. Training name H. Sevenster. Operational name CELERY B. Code name in the field PELT. Field name Hendrik Reinder Versteeg. HS9/1410/1. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Meindert Koolstra, born 04-06-1917 Dantumadeel, murdered 0609-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped in the night of 21/22-10-1944 near Voorthuizen, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Training name Meindert Kolff. Operational name
CELERY A. Code name in the field MURK. Field name Minne Klein. HS9.858/5. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Humphrey Max Macaré, born 12-10-1921 Bandoeng, Java Dutch East Indies. Executed 30-04-1944 RAWICZ. WT operator to Steeksma. Dropped in the night of 24/25-10-1942 near Steenwijk. Arrested on landing. Training name M. Mebins. Operatuinal name
CELERY C. Code name in telegrams EURASION. Code name in the field SCHAAP. Field name Barend Merens. HS9/973/3. Source: Frans Kluiters.


The two instructors duties were:

a. Reconnoitring of targets.
b. Instruction of sabotage groups in handling of weapons, explosives and incendiaries.
c. General steps to raise efficiency.


Dropped to German-controlled committees and arrested at once. All three agents were reported by a returned French agent to have been seen at RAWICZ Concentration Camp, In SILESIA, in July 1944. STEEKSMA and KOOLSTRA were subsequently shot at MAUTHAUSEN Concentration Camp in September 1944. Nothing is known of MACARE, who still is "Missing".

Operation -

Agent - PALS.

Date of departure - 21-10-1944.

Michiel Pals, born 04-05-1912 Hooge en Lage Zwaluwe, murdered 07-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped in the night of 21/22-10-1944 near Voorthuizen. Arrested on landing. Training name Michiel Post, Code name in telegrams ELEVEN MEN. Code name in the field ANKE or POSTMA. Field name Marinus van den Plas. HS9/1140/5. Source: Frans Kluiters.


Regional organiser for any area in the South of HOLLAND to be decided by the leader of the 'Secret Army', in connection with the 'Plan for Holland' already mentioned.


Arrested on arrival by German-controlled committee. Sent to HAAREN concentration Camp. Seen in July 1944 at RAWICZ Concentration Camp. Reported shot at MAUTHAUSEN Camp in September 1944.

Operation -

Agents - HOFSTEDE (instructor)
          - KAMPHORST (instructor)
          - POUWELS (WT operator).

Date of departure - HOFSTEDE - 24-10-1944.
                         - POUWELS - 24-10-1944.
                         - KAMPHORST - 21-10-1944.

Jan Hofstede, born 17-12-1918 Ter Aar, murdered 06-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped in the night of 24/25-10-1942 near Putten. Arrested on landing. Training name Jan Hoogland. Operational name
TOMATO B. Code name in the field RUYS. Field name Jan Houtman. HS9/728/1. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Pieter Kamphorst
, born 24-11-1894, Ermelo, murdered 07-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped in the night of 21/22-10-1942 near Voorthuizen, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Training name Pieter Kerkhof. Operational name
TOMATO A. Code name in the field EDDY. Field name Pieter van Putten or Peter Kampenhorst. HS9/819/6. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Charles Christiaan Pouwels, born 25-09-1923 Padangpanjang, Sumatra, Dutch East Indies. Executed 30-04-1994 PAWICZ. WT operator to Hofstede. Dropped in the night of 25/25-10-1944 near Putten, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Training name Christiaan Praag, Operational name
TOMATO C. Code name in the field MAAS. Field name Christiaan Pieters. HS9/1205/5. Source: Frans Kluiters.


a. To assist leaders in reconnoitring targets and considering best methodes of attacking them.

b. To instruct sabotage groups in handling of weapons, explosives and incendiaries.

c. Generally to help to bring all aspects into an efficient state. All these points in the light of the 'Plan for Holland'.


Arrested on arrival. HOFSTEDE was sent to HAAREN, whence he was moved to RAWICZ, SILESIA, where he was seen by an escaped French agent. He was executed at MAUTHAUSEN Camp in September 1944.
KAMPHORST was also at HAAREN and RAWICZ and eventually suffered the same fate as HOFSTEDE, being executed at MAUTHAUSEN in September 1944.
PUWELS was imprisoned at HAAREN and then supposedly moved to RAWICZ, but this is not certain. His fate is unknown.
Operation - CUCUMBER.

Agents - BAKKER (WT operator).
          - DANE (Organiser).

Date of departure - 27-10-1942.

Jacob Bakker
, born 01-05-1917 Batavia, Java Dutch East Indies. executed 30-04-1944 RAWICZ. Dropped in the night of 27/28-10-1942 near Putten. Arrested on landing. Training name Jacob Willems. Operational name
CUCUMBER B or BATAVIA. Code name in the field HOEK. Field name Jacob Bakker. HS9/78/10. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Johannes Cornelis (Jan) Dane, born 27-07-1917 Axel, murdered 07-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped in the night of 27/28-10-1942 near Putten. Arrested on landing. Training name J.J. Douma. Operational name
CUCUMBER A. Code name in the field VICTOR. Field name Johannes Dijkshoorn. HS9/391/8. Source: Frans Kluiters.


In connection with the 'Plan for Holland',

a. To take charge, as regional Organiser, of the Provinces of FRIESLAND, GRONINGEN and DRENTHE.

b. In this capacity to organise, train and instruct bodies of suitable men and to perfect the organisation according to instructins from the leader as well as in the light of his own discretion.

c. To organise the reception of the necessary stores.


Both dropped to a German-controlled reception committee and arrested on 28-10-1942.

BAKKER disappeared thereafter so far as any news was concerned, but we have recently heard from Dutch sources that he died in VIENNA from tuberculosis, shortly after the liberation of that city.

DANE - Advise has been received that he was executed at MAUTHAUSEN Concentration Camp in September 1944.

Operation -

Agent - RUSELER (WT operator).

Date of departure - 28-11-1942.

George Lodewijk Ruseler, born 27-07-1922, Surabaya, Java, Dutch East Indies. Murdered 06-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped in the night of 29/30-11-1942 near Ugchelen, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Training name George Rutger. Code name in the field PRINS. Field name George Lodewijk Reinders. HS9/1292/2. Source: Frans Kluiters.


In connection with the 'Plan for Holland', to act as WT operator for the leader under whom he was placed and to obey his orders.


Dropped to a German-controlled reception committee and arrested on 29th November 1942. Sent to HAAREN and thence to RAWICZ, SILESIA. Subsequently executed executed at MAUTHAUSEN in September 1994.

Operation -


Date of departure - 28-11-1943

Arie Johannes de Kruijff, born 06-11-1912 Amsterdam, murdered 07-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped in the night of 29/30-11-1942 near Ugchelen, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Training name A.J. de KLIJN. Code name in the field ELST, Field name Arie Johannes Kuyper. HS9/865/8. Source: Frans Kluiters.


On the basis of the 'Plan for Holland',
a. To reconnoitre targets and consider how best to attack them
b. To instruct groups of saboteurs and trainees in the use of weapons and explosives.
c. To act with initiative under the orders of a designated leader.


Arrested immediately on arrival, 29th November 1942, by a German-controlled reception committee. No news since until June 1945 when we ascertained that he was executed at MAUTHAUSEN in September 1944.

Operation -

Agent - UBBINK (WT operator).

Date of departure - 29-11-1942.

Johan Bernard (Ben) Ubbink, born 22-05-1921 Doesburg, died 31-03-1993 Vlissingen. Dropped in the night of 29/30-11-1942 near Valkenheide, Utrecht. Arrested on landing. Escaped with Dourlein on 29/30-08-1943, Returned to the U.K. 01-02-1944. Training name Bernard Udema. Code name in the field LOUIS, JACQUES. Field name Frans van Halen of J.B. Uldenhout. HS9/1496. Source: Frans Kluiters.


To work as WT operator for the secret military organisation envisaged under the 'Plan for Holland'.


Arrested at once by a German reception committee. He was taken to HAAREN and subjected to intensive interrogation, thereafter being placed in a cell and kept there until August 29th 1943 when he escaped with DOURLEIN of operation
SPROUT, (referred to under that operation).
He made his way to SWITZERLAND where arrived on
19th November 1943, reaching ENGLAND on 1st February 1944.

His interrogation, with DOURLEIN was very thorough and prolonged and revealed a mass of information which made it clear that the Germans were in control of our organisation. The implications are obvious, and will be referred to in detail under the 'general' paragraph relative to the time of the interrogation.

The agent was under a cloud for a long time, and eventually transferred to the Dutch West Indies in some position connected with the Netherlands Merchant Marine.

Very odd is the fact that OVERES is not mentioned here. He was parachuted together with UBBINK.

Hermanus Johannes Overes, born 07-10-1908 Amsterdam, executed 30-04-1944 RAWICZ, SILESIA? Dropped in the night of 29/30-11-1942 near Valkenheide, Utrecht. Arrested on landing. Training name Herman Oomen. Operational name CRESS, Overlo. Secret Army organiser (Plan for Holland).

DECEMBER.      No despatches.


a. Total 'successful' sorties: 57.
b. Aircraft lost: 3.
c. Total Containers: 282.
D. Stores delivered:

H.E: 6.968 lbs.
Stens: 460
T.SMG: 19.
Grenades: 3.170.
Pistols: 1305.
Incendiaries: 45 cells.
Clams: 495.
Limpets: 68




January - February 1943:

Major BLIZARD. (Chief).
Capt. MILLS.
Lieut. PARR.
Jnr. Cdr. BOND  A.T.S.

March - December 1943.

Major BINGHAM. (Chief)
Capt. MILLS.
Lieut. PARR
Jnr. Cdr. BOND  A.T.S.


These continued good throughout the year. Colonel DE BRUYNE and Captain LIEFTINCK co-operated closely with us, but the former was never free from the cramping influence of 'back-stage' intrigues against him. Eventually he relinquished his duties as Chief of the MID (towards the end of 1943) and Capt. LIEFTINCK, assisted by Lt. SCHILP, carried on. As will be seen from the attached summary of the real position in the field, towards the end of the year certain facts came to light which eventually showed that our organisation was hopelessly penetrated. In addition, losses in aircraft were heavy and for a period of about three months air operations were suspended on this account.

Thus, whilst our relations with the Dutch personnel continued good, the amount of operational contacts with them was not great, due to the paucity of despatches, this in turn being a result of the causes above mentioned.

According to HS7/159 there were no operations in 1943. New operations only started in the night of March 31st to April 1st 1944 with the missions
DRAUGHTS and FARO. However SOE kept dropping men into Holland till the night of 21/22-05-1943 when DE BREY, MINK and PUNT were dropped. They were the last victims of the Englandspiel.

On the night of 16/17-02-1943, VAN DER BOR, BRAGGAAR and HULSTEIJN were dropped.

Klaas van der Bor, born 24-05-1913 Barneveld, murdered 06-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped near Ugchelen and arrested on landing. Mission: organiser to Jambroes. 'Plan for Holland'. Code name operation ENDIVE. Training name Klaas van der Brand. Code name in the field HUIB. Field name Klaas Penning. HS9/1502/2. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Cornelis Carel Braggaar, born 23-09-1913 Amsterdam, murdered 06-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped into the IJsselmeer near Hoorn and arrested on landing. Mission: to renew contact with the I.D. Groep after the "death" of Jongelie and to act as WT channel. Operation name
PARSLEY. Operational name PARSLEY A. Training name Jan van Brakel. Code name in the field BERT/CHALFONT/HELPER. Code name in the field Groeneveld. Field name Pieter van Veen. HS9/198/8. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Cornelis Eliza van Hulsteijn, born 08-02-1912 Terneuzen, murdered 07-09-1944 MAUYHAUSEN. Dropped into the IJsselmeer near Hoorn and arrested on landing. Mission: agent for 'Plan for Holland'. Operational name
RADISH. Training name Kees van der Hoorn. Code name in the field OTTEN. Field name Cornelis Eliza van Hoek. HS9/1506. Source: Frans Kluiters.

On the night of 18/19-02-1943, KIST, Pieter VAN DER WILDEN, VAN OS and Willem VAN DER WILDEN were dropped.

Jan Christiaan Kist, born 22-09-1913 Leiden, executed 31-01-1944 RAWICZ, SILESIA? Dropped near Garderen, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Mission: Liaison to the I.D. Group. Operational name HOCKEY/Jan Wilson. Training name Jan Christiaan Karels. Code name in the field Bruinsma. Code name in the field WALT. Field name Johannes Kok. HS9/844/4. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Pieter (Piet) van der Wilden, born 08-05-1914 Haarlem, murdered 06-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped near Garderen. Arrested on landing. Mission: WT operator to Kist. Operational name
TENNIS. Training name Pieter Wouters. Code name in the field NOL or 'Dolf's cousin'. Field name Pieter van den Berg/Pieter Waiters. HS9/1512/4. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Gerrit van Os, born 02-05-1914 Hilversum, murdered 06-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped near Loenen Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Mission: to instruct Jambroes (pan for Holland). To organise an escape-line. To send the messages from the O.D. and the I.D. to London by pigeon. Operational name
BROADBEAN/G. Stein. Training name G. van Oosterom. Code name in the field FRANS or JOOST. Field name Gerard van Emden. HS9/1508/5. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Willem van der Wilden, born 01-06-1910 Hillegom, murdered 06-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped near Loenen, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Mission: WT operator to Van OS. Operational name
GOLF. Training name Willem van der Westen. Code name in the field CHRIS or DOLF or William van der Western. Field name Willem Winter. HS9/1512/5. Source: Frans Kluiters.

On the night of 09/10-03-1943, ARENDSE, BOOGAART and DOURLEIN were dropped.

Pieter Arnoldus (Piet) Arendse, born 14-02-1912 The Hague, murdered 06-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped near Speuld, Gelderland.. Arrested on landing. Mission: 'Plan for Holland'. Operational name SEAKALE. Training name P.A. Arkema. Code name in the field DIRK. Field name Pieter Arkestein. HS9/50/6. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Pieter Cornelis Boogaart, born 10-08-1910 Grauw, Friesland. murdered 07-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped near Speuld, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Mission: 'Plan for Holland'. Operational name
KOHLRABI. Training name Pieter Cornelis Bleeker. Code name in the field HERMAN. Field name Pieter Verstraten. HS9/179/9. Soure: Frans Kluiters.

Pieter Dourlein, born 02-02-1918 Veere, died 31-05-1976. Dropped near Speuld, Gelderland. Arrested on landing.
Escaped in the night of 29/30-08-1943 with Ubbink. Returned to England 02-02-1944. Operational name SPROUT. Training name Pieter Diepenbroek. Code name in the field PAUL. Field name P. Dijkman or P. Davids. HS9/none. Source: Frans Kluiters.

On the night of 21/22-04-1943, ROUWERD, VAN UIJTVANCK and WEGNER were dropped.

Willem Frederik (Freek) Rouwerd, born 31-05-1912 The Hague, executed 30-04-1944 RAWICZ, SILESIA. Dropped near Garderen, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Code name operation NETBALL. Mission: WT operator to 'Plan for Holland'. Training name F.W. Roeleveld. Code name in the field ERNST. Field name Frederik Willem Roozendaal. HS9/none. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Ivo van Uijtvanck, born 07-07-1917 Bussum, murdered 07-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped near Garderen, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Code name operation
GHERKIN. Mission: 'Plan for Holland'. Training name Ivo van Unnik. Code name in the field SAM. Field name Herman van Vliet. HS9/1511. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Antonius Johannes (Klaas) Wegner, born 20-09-1915 Leiden, murdered 07-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped into the water near Hoorn. Arrested on landing.
Escaped in the night of 22/23-11-1943. Recaptured near Liege January 1944. Operational code name LACROSSE. Mission: 'Plan for Holland'. Training name Antonius de Kluif. Code name in the field IVAN. Field name Antonius van Wijk. HS9/1569/1. Source: Frans Kluiters.

The last dropping of the Englandspiel took place on the night of
21/22-05-1943, when MINK, DE BREY and PUNT were dropped.

Antoon Berend (Anton) Mink, born 21-10-1918 Den Helder, murdered 07-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped near Garderen, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Code name operation POLO. Mission 'Plan for Holland'. Training name Anton Barends. Code name in the field HERBERT. Field name Anton Berend Mink. HS9/1039/3. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Oscar Willem de Brey, born 01-10-1921 Wassenaar, murdered 07-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped near Garderen, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Operational name
CROQUET. Mission: 'Plan for Holland'. Training name O.W. de Blank. Code name in the field THEO. Field name: Oscar de Booy. HS9/206/6. Source: Frans Kluiters.

Laurentius Maria (Laurens) Punt, born 13-10-1918 Alkmaar, murdered 07-09-1944 MAUTHAUSEN. Dropped near Garderen, Gelderland. Arrested on landing. Code name operation SQUASH. Mission 'Plan for Holland'. Training name L.M. Pijnenburg. Code name in the field SIMON. Field name Leo Smit. HS9/1217/6. Source: Frans Kluiters.

When did SOE receive information out of Holland that something was wrong?

This was probably the first blind drop since the Englandspiel, it took place on the night of 18/19-10-1943, but the plane was shot down near Malines, Mechelen, Belgium.

Johan Grün, born 18-02-1920, died …. Plane crashed near Malines, Belgium in the night of 18/19-10-1943. Grün survived and managed to get to Holland. Arrested 03-01-1944. Code name of operation RUGGER. Operational name BRUTUS. Mission: liaison with the Clandestine Press. Training name Johan Goor. Code name in the field REX. Field name Johan Verbruggen or Johan Bernard Schroder.

Jan David Anthon van Schelle, born 26-02-1915 Wassenaar. Plane crashed near Malines, Belgium in the night of 18/19-10-1943. Returned to the UK 20-12-1943. Code name operation
BADMINTON. Operational code name APOLLO. Mission: A. to deliver money to a person in Brussels and in the Netherlands who were running an escape-line from Holland. B. To investigate and report on a Belgium escape-line which failed to deliver some airmen.
Training name Stokkers. Field name Jan Scholten or Anton Jan Sluis.


a. Total "successful" sorties:  37.
b. Aircraft lost:  8.
c. Total Containers:  262.

d. Stores delivered:

H.E.  5895 lbs.
Stens:  284.
T. SMC:  9.
LMG:  58.
Pistols:  1001.
Grenades:  4131.
Clams:  135.
Limpets:  125.
Click to Continue to HS7/159-1944.
96501 RAS 07-09-1944
96502 ANDRINGA 06-09-1944
96503 TACONIS 06-09-1944
96504 JAMBROES 07-09-1944
96505 MINK 07-09-1944
96506 VAN OS 06-09-1944
96507 STEEKSMA 07-09-1944
96508 VAN UYTVANCK 07-09-1944
96509 RUSELER 07-09-1944
96510 SEBES 07-09-1944
96511 KAMPHORST 07-09-1944
96512 KOOLSTRA 07-09-1944
96513 RADEMA 06-09-1944
96514 BOOGAART 07-09-1944
96515 EMMER 06-09-1944
96516 DE HAAS 07-09-1944
96517 ALBAS 06-09-1944
96518 DROOGLEVER-FORTUYN 07-09-1944
96519 BUKKENS 07-09-1944
96521 BUIZER 06-09-1944
96522 PALS 07-09-1944
96523 DANE 07-09-1944
96524 W. VAN DER WILDEN 06-09-1944
96525 KLOOSS 06-09-1944
96526 PUNT 07-09-1944
96527 BAATSEN 07-09-1944
96529 Marcus BLOOM 06-09-1944?
96530 VAN HULSTEYN 07-09-1944
96531 BEUKEMA toe WATER 07-09-1944
96533 ARENDSE 07-09-1944
96534 JONGELIE 07-09-1944
96536 VAN DER BOR 06-09-1944
96537 WEGNER 07-09-1944
96538 BRAGGAAR 07-09-1944
96539 VAN HEMERT 07-09-1944
96540 HOFSTEDE 06-09-1944
96541 DE KRUIJFF 07-09-1944
96542 P. VAN DER WILDEN 06-09-1944
96543 NIERMEIJER 06-09-1944
96544 TER LAAK 07-09-1944
96546 DE BREY 07-09-1944
Missing since their stay in the Prison of Rawicz, Poland: