Telegrammen EDUARD, Kolonel Hotz via plan Erme van Sjoerdsma.
From Eduard via Erme of 25.1.1945
6 stop Continuation of five stop We are ready to resume operations when you give the word but cannot keep up armed resistance for more than one month if Allied troops do not start moving North of the Rhine and loosen control of the enemy over this area stop We therefore await your further advice and will give you pinpoints to bomb rocket sites stop Nine
From Eduard via Erme of 24.1.1945
7 stop Re your eight stop Venlo evacuated but some resistance left behind stop Have no contacts and road to this area leads through Germany stop Will investigate but am very doubtful stop
From Eduard via Erme of 25.1.1945
8 stop Re ground Willow from Dudley stop New BBC message understood stop Have last remaining Eureka in this area on this field stop Please advise us if this works ok stop Drop bodies and material for intelligence group Albrecht also packages for Dudey and more Eureka here WSENT (Evert?) now has code stop Eight
From Eduard via Erme of 25.1.1945
9 stop From Dudley do you agree if I try within next month to cross the line to report on situation stop Intend to go via Gorkum and return here soonest with new operator stop Can you give me a password stop Nine
From Eduard vai Erme of 25.1.1945
10 stop Dudley stop Commandant Veluwe he wants Allied liaison officer stop Can you send a Jed team with civilian clothing and papers and preferably Dutch speaking operators stop Three
3 to Eduard via day Erme of 25.1.1945
For Dudley stop We agree you try come out as suggested by you stop Your password is Bristol stop
10? to Eduard via day Erme of 25.1.1945
Following is a repeat of special order number one to Commander province Overijssel stop In order to give resistance maximum opportunity of helping Allies to liberate Holland and to avoid premature action it has been decided to divide unliberated Holland into regions stop each region only to come into action when the Allied Commander thinks necessary stop Important that regions should not go into action until the special BBC message or wireless instructions are broadcast stop To be continued stop
14? To Eduard via day Erme of 25.1.1945
Continuation of special order number one stop Your region consists of the area of Nort East Polder Province of Overijssel and all areas east of river IJssel including the Achterhoek stop Further special order messages will be sent to you giving you special BBC message and action which you should take when these are broadcast stop The texts of your action message should not be communicated to other regions or to people of other regions this most important in case of penetration stop End of Special Order number one stop
4 to Eduard via day Erme of 26.1.1945
Re action Radio orange apply to province Utrecht North and South Holland only as in these provinces a special announcement regarding Arbeits Inzet appeared stop Radio orange broadcasts therefore do not apply to your district stop
From Eduard via Erme of 26.1.1945
11 stop Radio Orange says everyone who asks for quote Ausweise Arbeitsinzet unquote will be treated as collaborator stop In Overijssel these were asked for in November and are reissued monthly automatically stop People ask for instructions stop Here is no general call up yet such as in Holland and Utrecht only occasional razzia stop Eight
5 to Eduard via day Erme of 26.1.1945
Reference our nos one and two please read for region the word zone stop In future the word region will only be used for sub districts within the zone stop Regions in your zone are Overijssel and Achterhoek stop
From Eduard via Erme of 27.1.1945
12 stop The following drops are urgently required stop Insulin Morphium Pinitrin Codein Cabazol dagenan Prontosillaudanum Iodine Laxatives stop Also serum against Diphteritis and Thyphus stop Can you drop them stop We can take care of distribution stop
From Eduard via Erme of 27.1.1945
13 stop Top KP rpt KP and LO rpt LO started to separate from NBS rpt NBS and from small armed resistance groups on a political basis directed against Communism stop KP rpt KP this area refuse to comply and decided to stay with NBS rpt NBS In other regions action has some success stop Politics now major headache stop Could Prince Bernhard intervene or better Queen Wilhelmina broadcast to keep resistance free from politics and preserve unity stop From Dudley stop Three
From Eduard via Erme of 27.1.1945
14 stop Your twelve stop send twenty pairs shoes sizes six seven and eight stop Sockings scarves warm gloves stop Sixty yards tweed and whipcord different colours to avoid uniformity for skirts and slacks stop Good show Pappy stop Eight
6 to Eduard via day Erme of 27.1.1945
To Dudley stop Who is Commandant Veluwe rpt Veluwe and to which opganisation does he belong stop Can he arrange reception for organizer and operator (Bangma & van der Weijden) and if so give ground and conventions stop Await reply about Achterhoek as men are standing by to leave stop
From Eduard via Erme of 28.1.1945
15 stop From Dudley stop Commandant Veluwe is Paul rpt Paul stop He was known before as Piet van Arnhem rpt Piet van Arnhem of KP rpt KP stop He arranged last September telephone contacts Arnhem Oosterbeek Nijmegen and commandant resistance Arnhem stop He was appointed GCSG rpt GCSG district six last December by Commander NBS rpt NBS stop Ground and conventions follow soonest stop Nine
From Eduard via Erme of 28.1.1945
16 stop From Dudley re your six stop Am preparing ground Achterhoek but have to be careful as arrestations in that area prove Gestapo there well penetrated stop Blind drop easier to arrange but suppose you want reception stop Three
7 to Eduard via day Erme of 29.1.1945
Following information received on V one rpt V one will be useful to army stop Construction new sites collection material on new or old sites not at present used or extra guard measures stop
8 to Eduard via day Erme of 29.1.1945
For Dudley rpt Dudley stop Continue looking for ground in Achterhoek with reception stop In meantime please give us contact address with password for blind drop stop
9 to Eduard via day Erme of 30.1.1945
Reference your number twelve concerning drugs stop Please repeat everything between words Insulin and Prontosil as this part mutilated and not understood stop
10 to Eduard via day Erme of 30.1.1945
In addition to targets which you are already attacking destruction of following targets will assist Allied war effort stop Oxygen plants used in connection with rockets stop Petrol and oil supplies stop Factories known to be working for Germans and in particular those engaged in making aircraft and wireless and electrical equipment stop Sabotage teams should be isolated and not take part in other resistance activities in order to safeguard security of NBS stop
11 to Eduard via day Erme of 31.1.1945
Special order number two for Commandants North East Polder Province Overijssel and Achterhoek stop You should plan now to put into operation in the future the following activities throughout the whole of your regions stop Action messages will be given on BBC Belgian Flemish evening broadcast at twenty thirty (20:30) hours and on BBC French news service at thirteen (13:00) hours both your local time stop No action to be taken until receipt of action messages stop One stop Combined railway and road sabotage but no action to be taken which takes more than eight days to be repaired stop To be continued stop
12 to Eduard via day Erme of 31.1.1945
Continuation order number two stop Sabotage of telecommunications but records of sabotage to be kept and records at repeater stations to be saved stop Three stop Harassing attacks including attacks on isolated headquarters and detachments stop Four stop Passing intelligence stop This means recruit now suitable men to be sent on receipt of action messages through to the Allied forces stop Three men should be sent daily from your regions and bring tactical information concerning concentrations of troops particularly in villages and if concentrations have wireless masts locations of minefields and field works areas completely free of enemy troops signs and symbols on vehicles reliefs and troop movements stop To be continued stop
13 to Eduard via day Erme of 31.1.1945
Continuation order number two stop Continuation four stop In all cases time date and source of information should be given stop Men should report to intelligence officer at brigades stop In addition to this plans should be made for other men with good local knowledge to remain hidden until they are overrun by Allied forces they will give local tactical intelligence and act as guides stop Passwords for them will be given later stop To be continued stop
14 to Eduard via day Erme of 31.1.1945
Continuation on Special Order number two stop Five stop As enemy start to withdraw from a region every effort should be made to protect buildings and material useful to Allies stop If enemy are withdrawing and no action message is received then act on your own initiative stop Six stop Protection of valuable technical personnel stop Warn them to lie low and report to Allies when liberated stop To be continued stop
15 to Eduard via day Erme of 31.1.1945
Continuation Special Order number two stop Continuation six stop Following are action messagesfor your regions stop one stop Railway and road sabotage: De spin heeft acht benen Two stop Sabotage Telecommunications De zon gaat onder stop three stop Harassing attacks Piet heeft zijn handschoenen verloren stop Four stop Passing intelligence stop Kinderen spleen graag met een pop stop Five stop Prevention of demolitions De jurk van Liesje is rood stop Six stop Protection technical personnel Sinaas appels komen van Spanje stop End special order number two stop
From Eduard via Erme of 1.2.1945
15 stop From Dudley stop Re Willow stop How do we know which containers for Albrecht and which for me if they are unmarked stop Eighteen stop I suppose among XT (WT) packages also two hundred thousand Guilders NO Polder and five thousand for me stop Can these also get special marking stop Nine
From Eduard via Erme of 1.2.1945 Thursday
16 stop For Dudley stop Will operate to Willow rpt Willow as from Friday February second (9.2.45) stop Containers for you will carry numbers stenciled on the outside stop Containers for Albrecht group will not rpt not carry numbers but will have a white S rpt S on the buffer head stop Polder money and five thousand for you will be in container numbered on the outside E seven zero one zero (E7010) rpt E seven zero one zero stop Six rpt six packages including a Eureka will all be for you stop
From Eduard via Erme of 1.2.1945 Thursday
17 stop Drop organizer and operator for Paul Commandant Veluwe on ground Rolls Royce near Nykerk or on the ground on Frans Hals where his operator Tymon is expected stop Password Valeouwe stop Eight
From Eduard via Erme of 1.2.1945 Thursday
19 stop From Dudley stop Your eight (8) stop Contact address farmer Leemreize rpt Leemreize stop Map one in fifty thousand GSGS rpt GSGS four zero three (403) sheet four one (41) stop Aalten rpt Aalten stop Map reference one eight two seven six seven (182767) rpt one eight two seven six seven stop Password Groeten van oom Herman Hein heeft mij rogge beloofd rpt Groeten van oom Herman Hein heeft mij rogge beloofd stop Drop after midnight stop Three
From Eduard via Erme of 1.2.1945 Thursday
20 stop Your nine stop Insulin stop Morphium stop Pinitrin stop Codein stop Cibazol stop Degenan stop Prontosil stop Eight
From Eduard via Erme of 1.2.1945 Thursday
21 stop Most bazookas dropped have exhausted or rotten batteries stop Please send next drop thirty batteries for bazookas stop Nine
From Eduard via Erme of 1.2.1945 Thursday
22 stop From Dudley stop Snow gone Willow (Geesteren) ok AX for dropping stop Three
17 to Eduard via day Erme of 2.2.1945 Friday
For Dudley stop You should receive seven packages for yourself and Christiaan Friday night on ground Willow stop
18 to Eduard via day Erme of 2.2.1945 Friday
Will drop organisor and operator for Paul on Rolls Royce second half next week stop Advise if ground still alright and give contact address in area of ground in case of accidents stop Confirm their password will be Valeouwe stop Keep you messages to a minimum as think you are sending too many stop
19 to Eduard via day Erme of 2.2.1945 Friday
For Dudley stop Thanks contact address Achterhoek stop Ground Blue Bottle of RVV was used some time ago in that area can you find out if it is still all right stop If you are unable trace suggest small reception elsewhere to receive only two men plus packages stop
20 to Eduard via day Erme of 3.2.1945 Saturday
For Dudley stop Regret aircraft in difficulties Friday night immediately after takeoff and unable to continue stop Will try Willow again with same load as from Sunday night fourth February stop
21 to Eduard via day Erme of 4.2.1945 Sunday
From Prince Bernhard to be circulated to all regional commanders stop Quote I have appointed the CNBS (Koot) of the DC (Delta Centre) to be my representative and therefore his orders must be strictly obeyed stop This in no way alters the arrangements made for direct passage of orders on military matters decentralized to maximum stop I have also given him right and power to punish over all resistance personnel under your orders in whatever way he deems necessary stop In extreme cases this may be immediate execution stop Normally disobedience can be punished with dismissal or arrest with court-martial to follow after liberation stop Prince Bernhard unquote stop
22 to Eduard via day Erme of 5.2.1945 Monday
Please confirm that Rolls Royce is still all right to receive two men for Paul stop We have received independent advise not to use it stop Confirm
From Eduard via Erme of 10.2.1945 Saturday
23 stop Re your nrs eighteen (18) and nineteen (19) stop Have sent couriers to investigate if ground Rolls Royce and Blue Bottle still ok stop Will inform you soonest stop Eight
23 to Eduard via day Erme of 11.2.1945 (Sunday)
Wish to send on Willow a second operator for Fopkonijn (Buunk) who is with Evert (Lancker) stop Please confirm that you can put him in touch with Evert and that it is alright to send him stop
24 to Eduard via Erme of 11.2.1945 Sunday
Special order number two please confirm you received our numbers eleven (11) to fifteen (15) and contents understood stop
From Eduard via Erme of 12.2.1945 Monday
24 stop Re ground Willow stop Albrecht groups says BBC message over Radio Orange Het is erg koud in Holland is message his load on ground Willow stop Please confirm BBC message and letter for ground Willow stop Nine
25 to Eduard via day Erme of 13.2.1945 Tuesday
Op Willow you will hear two messages stop Primo Radio Oranje secundo usual BBC message for reception committee stop These indicate that two agents and ten containers for Albrecht and remainder of fourteen containers and seven packages for you stop Leave you to arrange between yourselves as to best method for reception stop Owing large load keep lights on as pilot may have to do drop in two or three times stop
From Eduard via Erme of 13.2.1945 Tuesday
25 stop Please reply to our five (5) and six (6) re attacks on rockets stop Our thirteen (13) re KP and LO stop Also our eighteen (18) re marking packages containers next drop on Willow and confirm how the money will be packed and marked stop Your two four (24) and your eleven (11) to fifteen (15) special order number two received and understood stop
From Eduard via Erme of 13.2.1945 Tuesday
26 stop Fopkonijn (Gerrit Buunk) with his right man Janus (Nico Bergsteyn) arrested by SD in Vroomshoop on February ninth (9.2.45) stop SAS safe and on their way back stop Alex (Eskens) also safe stop No point in sending new operator to Evert (Lancker) without sending new agent stop Eight
26 to Eduard via day Erme of 13.2.1945 Tuesday
For Dudley Tell us how many hours before sunrise you require to deal with full load stop Will try Willow night Tuesday and Wednesday about zero one zero zero (01:00) hours GMT unless you tell us not to come on your special sked at fifteen (15:00) hrs today Tuesday stop
27 to Eduard via day Erme of 13.2.1945 Tuesday
After you confirm this message understood we will immediately cancel the present standby BBC messages for dropping operations and use the following stop From eight to ten (20:00 -22:00) hours quote Het glas is gebroken unquote From ten to Twelve (22:00-24:00) hours quote De melk kookt over unquote From twelve to two (24:00-02:00) hours De machine werkt op volle kracht unquote stop From two to four (02:00-04:00) quote De appel is rot unquote stop All times given above will be your local time stop
28 to Eduard via day Erme of 13.2.1945 Tuesday
Entirely agree resistance should not come out into the open until action messages are broadcast and therefore undertake no action now which might compromise security of NBS stop If you have special sabotage teams not linked with the NBS these could undertake sabotage of oxygen containers being used for rockets or other targets mentioned in our message stop Never knew that LO formed part of NBS and details of your message were sent to DC at Prince’s request stop Confirm money in container seven zero one zero stop (7010) stop
From Eduard via Erme of 14.2.1945 Wednesday
27 stop Many complaints inaccurate bombing as in Deventer and indiscriminate machine gunning of civilians on the road by Allied fighter aircraft stop Our Commander Twente gravely wounded and one subcommander killed cycling between Almelo and Zenderen while no German military traffic anywhere near stop Nine
From Eduard via Erme of 15.2.1945 Thursday
28 stop Can you send fifteen sets of maps one in fifty thousand (1:50.000) in twenty five thousand (1:25.000) stop Next drop anywhere in this area stop Three
From Eduard via Erme of 15.2.1945 Thursday
29 stop Night Tuesday Wednesday reception committee Willow was too late on field stop Aircraft has been over lights however on second run but did not drop stop Please confirm immediately on sked twelve hundred (12:00) hours GMT Thursday if letter to be flashed and also for Eureka is U for Uncle stop Eight
From Eduard via Erme of 15.2.1945 Thursday
30 stop Evert killed while trying to escape after arrestation in Wierden Feb thirteen (13.2.45) stop Successor Herman (Herman Doppen) stop Nine
29 to Eduard via day Erme of 15.2.1945 Thursday
Confirm signal letter and Eureka signal for Willow is U for Uncle stop Will try again as from today Friday sixteen (16.2.45) stop Sorry about Evert stop Can you arrange reception ground for organizer and operator for Achterhoek and put them in contact with commandant Achterhoek stop
From Eduard via Erme of 17.2.1945 Saturday
31 stop Alex (D. Eskens) who worked for Bureau Inlichtingen Somers also arrested by SD stop Three
From Eduard via Erme of 17.2.1945 Saturday
32 stop Re Willow stop We need five hours before sunrise to deal with a full load stop Eight
From Eduard via Erme of 17.2.1945 Saturday
33 stop Ack your two seven (27) Message understood stop Nine
From Eduard via Erme of 17.2.1945 Saturday
34 stop From Dudley stop Field Herman for agents Achterhoek your one nine (19) stop From church Lichtenvoorde bearing two hundred fifty (250) distance two point five (2.5) km stop From church Harreveld bearing eighty two (82) distance one point three (1.3) km stop From church Zieuwent bearing one hundred fifty seven (157) distance two point eight (2.8) km stop Letter B for Baker BBC message Het wordt al lente stop Password given in our one nine (19) stop Field Blue Bottle contaminated stop Three
From Eduard via Erme of 17.2.1945 Saturday
35 stop Could you bomb isolated white house reference your five seven five zero zero one zero (5750010) map GSGS four zero eight three (4083) Holland one in fifty thousand (1:50.000) sheet thirty five (35) AHAUS stop The main post for Direction Finding agents transmitters in this area stop Eight
From Eduard via Erme of 18.2.1945 Sunday
36 stop New ground Teun from Church Denekamp bearing one hundred fifteen (115) distance two point seven (2.7) km stop From church De Lutte bearing thirty two (32) distance six point six (6.6) km stop From church Gildehaus bearing three hundred thirty (330) distance nine point one (9.1) km stop Letter X for X-ray BBC message Oogen dicht en vol gas stop Nine
From Eduard via Erme of 19.2.1945 Monday
37 stop Albrecht stop Three thousand Fallschirm depot troops left area Winterswijk Doetichem for front line Emmerich on Feb eleven (11.2.45) stop In this area now nearly no troops left stop Doetichem being evacuated stop Three
From Eduard via Erme of 18.2.1945 Sunday
38 stop New ground Cor from R Catholic church Steenwijk bearing one hundred sixty two (162) distance six point two (6.2) km from Church Giethoorn bearing one hundred six (106) distance three point seven (3.7) km from church Kolderveen bearing three hundred eleven (311) distance two point one (2.1) km stop Letter A for Able BBC message Het word teen zoon of een dochter stop Eight
From Eduard via Erme of 19.2.1945 Monday
39 stop Please include in next drop two containers incendiary and two hundred spare detonators for Mills grnades stop Also Cameon grenades and Hawkins mines stop Nine
From Eduard via Erme of 19.2.1945 Monday
40 stop Could you bomb castle Rechteren bearing one one zero (110) distance two point one (2.1) km from Dalfsen eleven km east of Zwolle Three hundred (300) SD stop Three
From Eduard via Erme of 19.2.1945 Monday
41 stop Can you give BBC message as warning and standby orders for your special ors number one and two stop Eight
From Eduard via Erme of 19.2.1945 Monday
42 stop Do not use ground Rolls Royce stop Paul has given ground via escape road Ossaniseg Frans Hals whose chief is Sam Brown stop Is this okay stop Sorry delay communications bad stop Confirm password is Valeouwe stop Nine
From Eduard via Erme of 19.2.1945 Monday
43 stop Dudley stop Cannot come back till first week March too much work stop Three
30 to Eduard via day Erme of 19.2.1945 Monday
Ref your request bombing isolated white house please give further description of house such as shape and colour of roof for identification from air stop
31 to Eduard via day Erme of 19.2.1945 Monday
Can you move ground Herman about five kms further east and if so give new pinpoint stop Regret grounds Teun and Cor refused stop Can you move Cor seven kms south stop
32 to Eduard via day Erme of 19.2.1945
Frand Hals also in trouble or arrested therefore cannot use ground given by Paul stop Target castle Rechteren passed to RAF stop Please cut messages to a minimum otherwise your operator will soon be arrested stop BBC action messages were given in our special order nr two stop We cannot give in addition preliminary warning messages but should watch military event which will give you ample warning of imminence of action messages stop
33 to Eduard via day Erme of 19.2.1945 Monday
To Dudley stop Unless you are in danger would prefer you to carry on stop
From Eduard via Erme of 20.2.1945 Tuesday
44 stop Re your two one stop Which powers has regional commander for discipline stop Resistance leaders propose following oath for all members NBS quote Ik zweer trouw aan de binnenlandsch strijdkrachten en onderwerping ingaande door haar gestelde krijgstucht unquote stop Do you agree stop Eight
From Eduard via Erme of 20.2.1945 Tuesday
45 stop Could you send some weapon instructors stop Chris (Hinderink) too young and not much help stop Blatt of SAS who stayed here now our only instructor stop
From Eduard via Erme of 20.2.1945 Tuesday
46 stop From Dudley stop There is a rumour in Enschede that Huns here are very pleased with (five groups omitted) Have radio contact with England stop Am trying to trace this further stop Remind you that Frankene of ground Denys was arrested end of November in Hengelo during transmission stop Can you give any information stop Three
From Eduard via Erme of 20.2.1945 Tuesday
47 stop Your three one (31) stop Can you give reason for refusal SSNQ YJYSKORY to arrange new field soonest stop Eight
34 to Eduard via day Erme of 20.2.1945 Tuesday
Please repeat first part your message about Huns being please as five groups are missing stop We know about Franken and we have no contact with him stop
35 to Eduard via day Erme of 21.2.1945 Wednesday
For Dudley stop tried Willow last night but pilot reports low cloud and ground mist in target area stop Will try Willow again tonight Wednesday arriving about two two one five (22:15) hours local time stop
From Eduard via Erme of 21.2.1945 Wednesday
48 stop From Dudley stop Am in no more danger than any agent but damned tired stop Am however completely out of the picture for my own job as liaison officer stop Act as chief staff Eduard and have issued many orders in name of High Command or Government on which I want confirmation also need to report on situation can be back here in three weeks with own new operator or will that be (three groups missing) CW stop Nine
From Eduard via Erme of 21.2.1945 Wednesday
49 stop Your thirty stop Big white house gable a dark brown straw thatched roof two white chimneys stop Best approach from south east over meadow on which one isolated tree in front of house as on three sides of house and on both sides meadow are woods or lane stop Do not hit farm with double red roof four hundred yards south east of house stop Nine
From Eduard via Erme of 22.2.1945 Thursday
50 stop Codes Konijn (Buunk) in hands of SD stop Ground Evert contaminated stop Drop the seventy five (75) broadcast receivers on Willow stop Eight
From Eduard via Erme of 22.2.1945 Thursday
51 stop Re your three four (34) stop There is a rumour in Enschede that Huns here very pleased with themselves stop Because they have radio contact with England stop Nine
36 to Eduard via day Erme of 22.2.1945 Thursday
For Dudley stop Ground Cor was refused for flak four kms North East of Steenwijk and east along railway stop Ground Herman was refused for flak six kms north north west of pinpoint stop Ground Teun was refused because of flak almost all around at distance of two to five kms stop Very difficult to indicate exact areas clear of flak stop Suggest most likely areas at present are ten kms around Neede also east and north east from Zwolle stop Air intelligence point out that absence of flak in any area does not necessary mean that area can be safely approached stop Fullest and sympathetic always given to all grounds submitted stop
From Eduard via Erme of 22.2.1945 Thursday
Herewith completion of .. Will that be too late ofr BIB show stop Nine
37 to Eduard via day Erme of 23.2.1945 Friday
Please let us know whether following targets are still occupied by enemy Schalkhaar barracks comma SD HQ near Zutphnen comma Terborg and Huis Onland stop
38 to Eduard via day Erme of 23.2.1945 Friday
To Dudley stop In order bring you in picture and give you a rest suggest you come out as soon as you can stop Have new operator standing by for you stop Advise when you are coming and by which route stop
39 to Eduard via day Erme of 24.2.1945 Saturday
Reference your four four (44) re oath or all members NBS following has been approaved by Prince Bernhard quote Ik zweer trouw aan de Koningin gehoorzaamheid aan de wetten en onderwerping aan de door NBS gestelde Krijgstucht unquote stop
40 to Eduard via day Erme of 24.2.1945 Saturday
Reference Willow stop Regret aircraft could not takeoff Friday night owing to weather will try again as from Saturday night stop
41 to Eduard via day Erme of 25.2.1945 Sunday
Hope everything received safely on Willow stop Pilot was unable to drop correctly owing to ack ack (Anti Aircraft) and believes load overshot the lights stop Advise if man arrived safely stop Have you any news of Maurits (Beekman) stop Hope send you instructors beginning March stop Suggest Chris (Hinderink) might be useful operation Eureka on dropping grounds stop Eureka on Willow excellent Saturday night stop
From Eduard via Erme of 27.2.1945 Tuesday
52 stop Ground Herman can not be moved five kms east because there was ground Blue Bottle which can not be used again stop Have sent scouts to make new recce stop Why not drop on Willow we can take cars to move to Achterhoek stop Three
From Eduard via Erme of ...2.1945
53 stop Man and all material arrived safely Saturday on Willow stop Maurits okay but ceased operating except in emergency until situation clears up stop
From Eduard via Erme of 28.2.1945 Wednesday
54 stop Ground Evert can be used again stop New BBC message Het eten was niet vet genoeg letter D for Dog stop Please include next drop three containers Harry one and one Harry four and one Gammon and Hawkins and two Vickers MG and two Brens and two field dressings and medical and one food and tobacco for the permanent RC which lives there in dugouts stop Nine
42 to Eduard via day Erme of 28.2.1945 Wednesday
Advise if two hundred thousand Guilders for NE Polder received safely Saturday on Willow stop When will you be ready again on Willow stop Will send full load plus two men for Achterhoek stop Confirm that you can look after them and put them in touch with commandant Achterhoek stop
From Eduard via Erme of 28.2.1945 Wednesday
40 stop Do not bomb target anymore occupation gone stop Five six (65) stop Eight (kasteel Rechteren?)
MARCH 1945
From Eduard via Erme of 1.3.1945 Thursday
55 stop Willow might be suspect as last SONTAQN ERS (containers) were ZXLVHHO (several) kms from lights stop Do not use till we give okay and switch loads our four five (45) our three nine (39) our two one (21) our four TEPNAYD out twelve also seven of nine receivers MCR One to ground Evert stop Receive urgent as all electricity will be cut of next week and subcommanders cannot hear action messages stop Three
43 to Eduard via day Erme of 1.3.1945 Thursday
Understand Lammert of Albrecht arrested Utrecht stop Ask Johan Deventer if he knows who Mimi is stop
44 to Eduard via day Erme of 2.3.1945 Friday
Presume you have Eureka at ground Evert stop Signal letter on Eureka is D for Dog stop Inform us immediately if Sugar Phone will be used stop Ground call on Sugar Phone is Benedictine and aircraft call is Ferdinand stop regret unable to send Vickers MGS (Machineguns) stop
From Eduard via Erme of 5.3.1945 Saturday
57 stop Your four two (42) stop money okay and many thanks from Dudley and friends stop Will advise next week if Willow okay stop For commander Achterhoek see our two but we can move the men and give them safe contact to start work although Achterhoek difficult as all leaders arrested or in hiding stop Eduard now there to try rebuild organization stop Mind our numbers our numbers we have fourteen (14) twenty one (21) twenty eight (28) thirty nine (39) and seventy broadcast receivers stop What about our thee five (35) stop Nine
From Eduard via Erme of 5.3.1945 Saturday
58 stop Dudley stop Will ask Albrecht group about contact temporarily broken last week nuisance as I arranged to use their road to come out stop Mimi is ex courierster of Frank (van Beijnen) KP killed last year She brought three Canadian operators across of which we got one stop Be careful with Johan who is unreliable trouble shooter and was kicked out of his command Deventer NBS by us last January stop Three
From Eduard via Erme of 5.3.1945 Saturday
59 stop Paul reports Frans Hals organization on Veluwe okay and have been awaiting drop on their ground all last month stop Eight
45 to Eduard via day Erme of 5.3.1945 Saturday
Your five seven (57) noted stop Please tell us if we can send these two men immediately to ground Evert or another ground stop
From Eduard via Erme of 5.3.1945 Saturday
60 stop In huts east of barracks Schalkhaar two hundred Dutch green police stop In three schools Colmschate Diepenveen Lettele three hundred sixty (360) of same stop Huis Onland burnt down and now dispersed in houses nearby stop
From Eduard via Erme of 7.3.1945 Monday
61 stop At present no Eureka on Evert because they never used theirs we transferred it to Willow stop Continue next OTP will transfer any Eureka to Evert and advise you when ready stop Doubt if any Sugar Phone here still works as none reachts on finger tip test stop Will try them but do not guarantee results can you start dropping with XUTOR are you waiting for above stop Three
46 to Eduard via day Erme of 8.3.1945 Monday
Your six one (61) stop Would be prepared try Evert without Eureka or Sugar Phone stop Can you receive the men on Evert stop If you can do this with safety use car lamp for middle light of reception layout stop
47 to Eduard via day Erme of 10.3.1945 Wednesday
The CNBS will be sending following message to your regional commanders stop Messages begins quote The functions of the NBS will naturally not end with liberation when resistance will be used as follows one to guard prisoners two to form security battalion three to join the regular army four on other tasks to be notified later stop This may necessitate redistribution of arms therefore important that regional commanders be made responsible for the good maintenance of arms and should know how they are allocated so that a speedy redistribution can be possible when necessary stop Unquote
48 to Eduard via day Erme of 11.3.1945 Thursday
Vanaf aanstaande Donderdag vijftien Maart (15.3.45) zullen wij terrein Evert proberen met twee mannen voor Achterhoek stop Verder vier en twintig (24) containers en vier pakketten waarvan drie voor de twee mannen zijn en de vierde voor Christiaan (Sjoerdsma) stop Een container gemerkt PD bevat vijf duizend (5000) persoons bewijzen met veertig duizend (40.000) linker boven hoeken en twee containers gemerkt voor Eduard en rood kruis bevatten medicijnen stop Laat ons weten of u dit alles veilig kunt ontvangen en of Eureka gebruikt zal worden stop
From Eduard via day Erme of 13.3.1945 Saturday
62 stop BETU uw nr zeven vijf stop Actie en tijdzinnen dienen gewijzigd te worden stop Acht
From Eduard via Erme of 13.3.1945 Saturday
63 stop Afwerpterrein Noordelijk van TILFTGTE (Tillgte) bij samenkomst Hollandse graven en Dinkel oude BBC slagzin “Wees niet zo laf maar ga door met uw werK” is weer te gebruiken stop Naam veld is Paul bevestig nieuwe slazin De schoenen zijn lek en letter J van Johan stop Eureka aanwezig stop Wordt vervolgd stop Negen
49 to Eduard via day Erme of 13.3.1945 Saturday
In parachute houder van zekere containers van de twee eerst volgende operaties naar uw terreinen zult u enige groene kaarten vinden stop Deze kaarten zijn een index waar mede u ons in het vervolg container en parachute gebreken kunt aangeven stop Laat ons weten wanneer u deze kaarten ontvangt en of u de gebruiksaanwijzing begrepen hebt stop
50 To Eduard via day Erme of 13.3.1945 Saturday
Uw zes twee (62) stop Actie zinnen voor uw zone betreffende onze special order nr twee zijn als volgt en al de vorigen zijn hierbij geannuleerd stop Rail and road sabotage Zeewater is zout stop Sabotage telecommunications De trein is op tijd stop Harrashing attacks De wekker loopt af stop Passing intelligence Heeft u erge dorst stop Prevention of demolitions Het geld is verloren stop Protection of technical personnel Het zonnetje schijnt lekker stop Gelieve spoedigst te bevestigen dat bovenstaande begrepen is stop
51 to Eduard via day Erme of 13.3.1945 Saturday
Nadat u dit bericht bevestigd heeft zullen wij de volgende tijd zinnen voor uw gronden gebruiken stop Tusschen acht en tien (20:00-22:00) uur Trek de jas maar uit stop Tusschen tien en twaalf (22:00_24:00) uur Mouwen oprollen jongens stop Tusschen Twaalf en twee (24:00-02:00) uur De mist trekt op stop Tusschen twee en vier (02:00-04:00) uur Een deken is niet genoeg stop Alles uw locale tijd stop
From Eduard via Erme of 14.3.1945 Sunday
64 stop Vervolg nr zes drie (63) stop Verzoeke aft e werpen op veld Paul rpt Paul acht containers springstof Eureka Sugar-Phone Stens en Bren guns stop Alsmede het gevraagde in onze SRS twaald (12) veertien (14) een en twintig (21) en negen (29) en dertig (30) plus vijf en zeventig (75) broadcast receivers stop Drie
52 to Eduard via day Erme of 14.3.1945 Sunday
Regret ground Paul refused for flak stop Suggest you move ground Paul ten kilometers west stop
From Eduard via Erme of 15.3.1945 Monday
66 stop De in uw nr vier acht (48) vermelde lading alsmede de twee mannnen kunnen op Evert afgeworpen worden stop Eureka zal aanwezig zijn stop Negen
53 to Eduard via day Erme of 16.3.1945 Tuesday
Dringend punt zijn SD nog steeds gevestigd op vijf en zes Burg van Royensingel te Zwolle stop Bent u nog in verbinding met Maurits (Beekman) stop
54 to Eduard via day Erme of 16.3.1945 Tuesday
Broadcast van actie berichten zal geschieden via de volgende radio programmes thirteen thirty (13:30) Fransch twenty fifteen (20:15) Radio oranje en twenty thirty (20:30) Vlaamsch programma stop Genoemde tijden zijn BST stop
From Eduard via Erme of 18.3.1945 Thursday
67 stop Bevestig hiermede goede ontvangst van uw nrs fifty (50) en fifty one (51) stop Verzoeke tijdzinnen te gebruiken vanaf Zaterdag zeventien Maart (17.3.45) stop Drie
From Eduard via Erme of 18.3.1945 Thursday
68 stop Verzoeke alle officiele fotos van leden van het koninklijk huis af te werpen stop Dit op special verzoek van de illegale pers stop Acht
From Eduard via Erme of 18.3.1945 Thursday
69 stop Nieuw veld Karel stop Kerk Eibergen richting vijf drie (53) afstand twee punt acht (2.8) km stop Kerk Rietmolen richting honderd vier en vijftig (154) afstand twee punt zeven (2,7) km stop Kerk Haaksbergen richting twee honderd achten en twintig (228) afstand vijf punt negen (5.9) km stop BBC slagzin De cigaretten koker is leeg letter L van Lodewijk stop Negen
From Eduard via Erme of 19.3.1945 Friday
70 stop Van Eduard stop Dudley wordt als Chef Staf voorlopig vervangen door Cor stop Drie
55 to Eduard via day Erme of 19.3.1945 Friday
Volgende is voor Joop en Klaas die de nacht van zeventien Maart (17.3.45) op terrein Evert arriveerden stop Zeg hun dat hun BBC bericht is quote Wanneer komt Lucienne terug unquote stop De pakketten voor Joop en Klaas zijn genummerd A drie vijf acht nul (A 3580) stop A drie een nul vijf (A3105) stop
56 to Eduard via day Erme of 19.3.1945 Friday
Pilot reports successful dropping on ground Evert on Saturday seventeenth March (17.3.45) stop Eureka worked excellently but reception lights were not correct stop Explain why four white lights were used stop Henceforth new lighting will be used for all grounds stop The two extreme lights of the alignment will be red stop The middle light of the alignment will now be green stop The flashing signal light will still be white stop Confirm immediately that you have understood new lighting system stop We sent you some green filters for torches in package for Christiaan (Sjoerdsma) al last dropping stop New ground Karel accepted stop Please tell us when you can receive load on Karel stop
From Eduard via Erme of 20.3.1945 Saturday
27 stop Nieuw veld Otto stop Kerk Rouveen richting tachtig (80) afstanders punt vijf (0.5) Top kerk centrum Meppel richting hondered drie en veertig (143) afstand negen punt acht (9.8) kms stop Windmolen de Wijk rpt De Wijk richting honderd zes en tachtig (186) afstand vijf punt twee (5.2) km stop BBC slagzin De bonnen worden thuis gebracht Letter X van Xantippe stop Negen stop
57 to Eduard via day Erme of 21.3.1945 Sunday
Commandant Overijssel North-East Polder and Achterhoek stop Special order number three stop As and when towns and villages are liberated the local resistance leader or his representative only will be present at the local stadhuis to meet Allied representatives in order to give them all the necessary local contacts and assistance stop End of special order number three stop
58 to Eduard via day Erme of 21.3.1945 Sunday
New ground Otto accepted Please tell us when you are ready receive on ground Otto stop Awaiting your reply regarding reception lights stop
From Eduard via Erme of 22.3.1945 Monday
73 stop Hoorden dat Christiaan u heeft medegedeeld dat drop Willow in handen SD gevallen is stop Dit is niet juist drop is in veiligheid stop Drie
59 to Eduard via day Erme of 22.3.1945 Monday
Vernamen van Herman (Doppen) dit terrein Evert weer klaar is stop Voordat wij weer proberen moet u ons bevestigen het receptive committee het juiste licht system zal gebruiken stop Bespreek dit met Joop en laat ons spoedigst weten stop
From Eduard via Erme of 23.3.1945 Tuesday
74 stop Betr uw nr five six (56) stop Kunnen ontvangen op veld Karel vanaf vrijdag drie en twintig Maart (23.3.45) stop Verzoeke te droppen Stens en geweren stop Drop dringend verlegen om fietsbanden stop Cigaretten tabak kleding en voedsel welkom stop Eureka aanwezig stop Acht
From Eduard via Erme of ….. 1945
73 stop Betr uw vijf drie (53) stop Volgens commandant Zwolle zijn belangrijkste gebouwen van de SD alle gebouwen rondom Van Nahuysplein stop Belangrijke troepen afdeelingen zijn ondergebracht in Rijks HBS Bagynesingel stop Wordt vervolgd stop Drie
From Eduard via Erme of 23.3.1945 Tuesday
74 stop Vervolg ons nummer zeven drie (73) stop Commandant Zwolle heeft gevangenis aldaar te kraken stop Hierin bevinden zich honderd vijftig (150) politieke gevangenen stop Volgens hem alleen mogelijk tijdens bombardement of beschieting in ons zeven drie (73) geven doelen alsmede stationsemplacement stop Dienen dan nauwkeurig tijdstip luchtaanval te weten stop Is dit mogelijk stop Operatie wordt uitgevoerd met autos stop SPOED stop Acht
From Eduard via Erme of 24.3.1945 Wednesday
76 stop Materiaal plus twee man Achterhoek veilig ontvangen op Evert stop Twee man reeds naar Achterhoek gebracht stop Waarschijnlijk door misverstand vier witte lichten gebruikt stop Zullen zorgdragen lichten als voorheen stop Berichten veld Evert in vervolg weer via Maurits stop Drie
From Eduard via Erme of 24.3.1945 Wednesday
75 Betr uw nr five eight (58) stop Kunnen ontvangen op veld Otto vanaf Dinsdag zeven en twintig Maart (27.3.45) stop Liefst dubbele lading stop Eureka aanwezig stop Negen
60 / 61 / 62 / 63 to Eduard via day Erme of 24.3.1945 Wednesday
Aan commandant Overijssel (see telegrams nrs 77 / 78 / to Necking (Tazelaar) via Humber and 1 / 2 / to Charades (Beekman) via Rother)
64 to Eduard via day Erme of 24.3.1945 Wednesday
Zullen trachten Otto met twee ladingen stop Als bevestiging indien twee vliegtuigen zullen BBC bericht zal worden’ De twee binnen worden thuis gebracht” stop Indien twee vliegtuigen Eureka moet door blijven seinen voor tweede vliegtuig stop
From Eduard via Erme of 26.3.1945 Friday
77 stop Verplaatsing veld Paul stop Kerk Tubbergen rpt EUDTERJEN richting drie honderd negen en dertig (339) afstand twee punt negen (2.9) km stop Kerk Geesteren zestig (60) afstand twee punt vier (2.4) km stop Kerk Vasse richting twee honderd zeven en zestig (267) afstand vier punt zes (4.6) km stop Zin en letter ongewijzigd stop Kan onmiddellijk gedropt worden stop Acht XXXX
From Eduard via Erme of 26.3.1945 Friday
78 stop Herkenningstekens NBS Overijssel stop Armbanden grijze stof met zwarte opdruk word Oranje plus letters NBS plus SG stop In het midden Nederlandse Leeuw in rode groene of zwarte kleur stop Roode leeuw gewestelijk plus districtsstaf stop Groene leeuw plaatselijke staf stop Rest zwarte leeuw stop Negen
From Eduard via Erme of 26.3.1945 Friday
79 stop Vervolg ons nr zeven acht (78) stop Legitimatie kaarten wit papier daarop grijze ondergrond kleine leeuwtjes plus letters NBS in midden een rozet met groote leeuw stop Voorkant Oranje leeuw stop Achterkant TEMLP OP binnenkant alle gevens over person stop Kleeding meest blauwe overall stop Achterhoek nog niet geheel voorzien stop Drie
65 to Eduard via day Erme of 26.3.1945 Friday
Zullen terrein Evert en Karel vanaf Dinsdag avond zeven en twintig Maart (27.3.45) probeeren stop Drop op Evert vier en twintig (24) containers inclusief container gemerkt met wit kruis waarin crystals voor Christiaan (Sjoerdsma) ook container gemerkt met rood kruis waarin medische artikelen stop verder zes paketten met maps komma reserve detonators en broadcast receivers voor Eduard en banden komma accus en geluidlooze pistolen voor Maurits en twee W/T sets voor Christiaan stop Drop op Karel vier en twintig (24) containers en zes paketten met accus voor Klaas ook banden en broadcast receivers en kleeren voor koerriersters door Henk gevraagd en bazooka batteries stop Hoopen Otto ook vanaf Dinsdag met dubbele lading te probeeren stop
66 to Eduard via day Erme of 27.3.1945 Saturday
Voor commandant Overijssel stop Zeer belangrijk dat verzetsgroepen onmiddellijk een plan opmaken om waar dit mogelijk is zulk bruggen over rivieren en kanalen te beschermen welke de Duitschers trachten te vernietigen om het snelle oprukken van de geallieerden tegen te gaan stop U moet probeeren om eenige bruggen over elke belangrijke waterweg te behouden sterk genoeg om de eerste geallieerde voertuigen te dragen het is niet noodig dat dit bruggen van hoofdwegen zijn stop To be continued stop
67 to Eduard via day Erme of 27.3.1945 Saturday
Continuation our nr six six (66) stop U moet nauwkeurig naar de BBC en de geallieerde nieuwsberichten luisteren daar deze een indicatie voor u zullen zijn in welke richting de geallieerden oprukken stop U moet de bruggen die u wilt beschermen in het oog houden indien u op uw eigen initiatief moet handelen stop wanneer er tijd is zullen wij het volgende bericht over de gebruikelijke BBC programmas broadcasten quote “Het water is koud” unquote stop Gelieve gidsen klaar te hebben om de eerste troepen de bruggen te wijzen die beschermd zijn stop Zoo gauw onze leger operaties zich meer ontwikkelen zullen wij trachten u meer nauwkeurige instructies te geven stop
From Edurad via Erme of 27.3.1945 Saturday
80 stop Door legering Duitsche troepen veld Paul niet meer geschikt stop Hebben het nu opnieuw verplaatst stop Vanaf midden oude veld richting zestig (60) afstand twee punt drie (2.3) km stop Letter en zin ongewijzigd stop Acht XXXX
68 to Eduard via day Erme of 28.3.1945 Sunday
To commandant Overijssel (see telegram no 98 of 28.3.45 to Cubbing, Cieremans, via night Tango)
To Eduard via day Erme of 30.3.1945 Tuesday
Indien verzetsgroepen documenten of deelen van rocket bommen kunnen te pakken krijgen en verbergen tot de bevrijding zal dit zeerst door de geallieerden geaprecieerd worden stop
From Eduard via Erme via Erme of 30.3.1945 Tuesday
84 stop Gevechtsrapport Twente stop Spoorwegsabotage volt uitgevoerd stop Treinverkeer lam gelegd stop Wordt voor gezorgd dat dit zoo blijft stop Weg sabotage goed resultaten stop Wordt regelmatig herhaald stop Sabotage bovengrondse kabels en draden idem stop Onderduiken technisch personeel vrijwel overal volledig doorgevoerd stop Uw toelichting hierover te laat ontvangen stop Hebben tevens technisch personeel waterleiding en electriciteitsbedrijven laten duiken stop Water voorziening gaat echter wel door stop Duitschers nemen represailles stop Negen
69 to Eduard via day Erme of 30.3.1945 Tuesday
New ground Paul accepted stop Please tell us when you are ready to receive stop
70 to Eduard via day Erme of 30.3.1945
Originators No 70. Van bevrijd Holland wordt gerapporteerd dat menschen daar aankomen met aanbevelingspapieren van ondergrondse organisaties stop Het blijkt nu na ondervraging dat deze menschen alleen voor SD werken en zoodoende tot ondergrondse organisaties waren doorgedrongen stop Wees zeer voorzichtig voor zulke menschen en recommandaties stop
From Eduard via Erme of 31.3.1945 Wednesday
81 stop Er zijn BTERSE aanwijzingen dat er Duitsche troepen uit Twente gaan evacueren stop Belangrijk bombardement s OVEL spoorweg tunnels in Hengelo tunnel over straatweg Hengelo-Enschede stop Volgens meededeling Duitsche soldaten worden troepen uit Enschede verplaatst naar Steenwijk en Groningen stop NAQEN (Negen)
From Eduard via Erme of 31.3.1945 Wednesday
83 stop Your nr DQ commandant Veld Otto dat vliegtuigen boven veld zijn geweest stop Hebben echter niet gedropt stop Waarom niet stop Acht
From Eduard via Erme of 31.3.1945 Wednesday
Bombardement doel HUIZEST moet vervallen stop AHCT (acht) twee (28) Duitscher vertrokken stop Drie
To Eduard via Erme of 1.4.1945 Thursday
See Nr 10 of Aril 1ste 1945 to Gerrards via Rother. (Wie is Gerrards?? Rother is plan van Charades)