No further messages were ever received from SCULLING (Sjeerp Postma) and TURNIQUOITS (Gerrit eisiger). SCULLING murdered, see page 303.
RAF Urged to Save Waalhaven
SHOOTING (Luykernaar) forwarded (32) a message from the RVV at Rotterdam stating that a half sunken tanker was lying at the entrance to the Waalhaven. There was a dry dock lying alongside the tanker to the south ready to be sunk to block the entrance. It was important that the dry dock should be bombed in its present position before the Germans were able to sink it at the harbour entrance. Resistance forces could not tackle the job.
Containers Broken and Lost
He reported (33) that during a recent operation four containers had come to the ground completely empty. The bottom must have fallen out after they had left the plane. It had also happened several times that the containers broke loose from the parachutes and sank in the swampy soil. In most cases they were then lost. London regretted (34) the accidents to containers. The packing station had been informed, and it was hoped that this would not happen again.
Tine a Traitress?
SHOOTING (Luijkenaar) cabled (35) that CRIBAGGE (Arie van Duyn) had been “picked up”. His female courier (TINE) (Dini Gaazenbeek) had been arrested as well, and was riding about in an SD car pointing out the men she knew. SHOOTING had to be very careful as she knew him and LUDO (MONOPOLY, de Stoppelaar) as well. Underground work was becoming more difficult still. Would London please send money as they could not camouflage sufficiently for their job. If it could not be given, could they borrow it and sign for it?
Return of Evert
CHARADES (Jaap Beekman) reported (36) that “at the request of his troops, EVERT (Lancker) had withdrawn his resignation”.
Bernhard’s “Lay” Commandant
In a message dated December 6th (37) EVERT complained that PRINCE BERNHARD had appointed “a layman in the sphere of resistance” to be head of the Netherlands Forces of the Interior. This man was, in turn, appointing inexperienced commandants. Because of this, friction was arising with the old resistance leaders. The position in the Overijssel district was especially difficult because DUDLEY (Henk Brinkgreve) kept interfering in matters about which he knew nothing.
Evert Praises Evert
EVERT’s territory supplied weapons for the whole province. Consequently, EVERT was able to keep in touch with resistance groups throughout Overijssel. There had been some losses in personnel and arms but the EVERT-brigade was calmly going forward. EVERT had no political aims, and fully supported the Government.
(32) Srl No B1216/1 from Shooting of 12.12.1944
(33) 16 from Shooting of 12.12.1944
(34) 7 to Shooting of 12.12.1944
(35) 19 from Shooting of 30.12.44
(36) 78 from Charades of 30.11.1944
(37) Srl No B919/15 and B290.119 of 06.12.1955
Charades Losing His Nerves
CHARADES complained (38) that it was absolutely impossible for him to increase his W/T work. The Sicherheits Dienst was becoming more active every day. “The situation is getting on my nerves”, he continued. “Please take me away by plane”! If London took him away now he would be prepared to return to Holland in time for the spring offensive. A few days later CHARADES returned to the subject (39): “Can you fetch me away with a Lysander?? With a little co-operation from your side it would be a mere child’s play”. In reply London cabled (40) that it was not possible to arrange a Lysander operation. It was suggested that as soon as the new W/T operators had started working, he should get away to liberated territory as best he could with the co-operation of the RVV. Should the RVV not be in a position to arrange this, then London would try to put him in contact with an organization which could do it.
W/T Plan in German Hands
CHARADES reported (41) that as a result of an attack on the DUDLEY group, a duplicate of his W/T plan WENSUN had fallen into German hands. He was advised by London (42) not to send any more traffic on his main skeds but to transmit at other times. Orders for the planning of sabotage activities were transmitted to the Commandants of the Noord-Oost Polder province, Overijssel and Achterhoek on December 23rd (43).
Escape Schemes Shelved
CHARADES reported (44) that the RVV knew of no means of escaping to liberated territory. He would, therefore, continue working for the time being. They could receive a new W/T operator at EVERT’s dropping grounds. CHARADES would be present at the reception. London could therefore give to the new agent any letters or orders which they had for CHARADES. If possible, the new operator should bring a bicycle with him.
(38) Srl No B1199/113 from Charades of 12.12.1944
86 stop Absoluut onmogelijk om nog lange tijd veilig door te werken stop Activiteiten van Sicherheitsdienst elken dag sterker stop Toestand werkt hevig op mijn zenuwen stop Alstublieft haal mij per vliegtuig op stop Ben genegen om voor het voorjaars offensief weer naar bezet gebied terug te keren stop
(39) Srl No B1545/150 from Charades of 19.12.1944
87 stop Hoop spoedig antwoord van DUDLEY te hebben stop Kunt u mij per Lysander ophalen want het is zelfmoord om van hieruit de Rijn rpt Rijn te bereiken stop Met een beetje medewerking van uw kant is het met een Lysander slechts kinderwerk stop Wat moet KRIS rpt KRIS doen stop Hij was altijd wapeninstructeur bij Brigade Evert rpt Evert doch is nu vrijwel werkloos stop
(40) 56 to Charades of 19.12.1944
Lysander onmogelijk door special opvatting geeischt door RAF stop Stellen zoodra nieuwe operators ingeschakeld dat u terugkeerd op best mogelijke manier door RVV naar bevrijd gebied stop Indien RVV niet in staat is dit te regelen zullen trachten u in verbinding te stellen met organisatie die dit wel kan doen stop
(41) Srl No B1598/181 from Charades of 20.12.1944
89 stop Terrein Evert weer gereed voor ontvangst stop Slagzin is Het begint koud te worden stop Seinletter is B voor Bernard stop Duplicaat van plan WENSUN in Duitsche handen gevallen tijdens overval op DUDLEY laatst ZOKER
(42) 58 to Charades of 21.12.1944
Do not send any more traffic on your main skeds stop From now on we will listen for you at the following times GMT stop On twenty second at ten hundred hrs stop Twenty third at sixteen hundred hrs stop Twenty fourth twelve hundred hours stop Twenty fifth eight hundred hrs stop Twenty sixth eight hundred hrs stop Twenty seventh eleven hundred hrs stop Twenty eight fifteen hundred hours stop Twenty ninth no skep stop thirtieth nine hundred hrs stop Thirty first thirteen hundred hrs stop to be continued stop
(43) 60-64 to Charades of 23.12.1944
60 .Special order number two for Commandant North East Polder Province Overijssel and Achterhoek stop You should plan now to put into operation in the future the following activities throughout the whole of your regions stop Action message will be given on BBC Belgian Flemish evening broadcast at twenty thirty hours both your local time stop No action to be taken until receipt of action message stop One stop Combined railway and road sabotage but no action to be taken which takes more than eight days to be repaired stop to be continued stop
61. Continuation order number two stop Two stop Sabotage and telecommunications but records of sabotage to be kept and records at repeater stations to be saved stop Three stop Harassing attacks including attacks on isolated headquarters and detachments stop Four stop Passing intelligence stop This
means recruit now suitable men to be sent on receipt of action message through to the Allied Forces stop Three men should be sent daily from your regions and bring tactical information concerning concentrations of troops particularly in villages and if concentrations have wireless masts stop To be continued stop
62. Continuation special order number two stop Continuation four stop Locations of minefields and field works comma areas completely free of enemy troops comma signs and symbols on vehicles reliefs and troops movements stop In all cases time date and sources of information should be given stop Men should report to intelligence officer at brigades stop In addition to this plans should be made for other men with good local knowledge to remain hidden until they are overrun by the Allied Forces they will then give local tactical intelligence and act as guides stop Passwords for them will be given later stop To be continued stop
3. Continuation special order number two stop Five stop Prevention of demolition stop As enemy start to withdraw from region every effort should be made to protect buildings and material useful to Allies stop If enemy are withdrawing and no action message is received then act on your own initiative stop Six stop Protection of valuable technical personnel stop Warn them to lie low and report to Allies when liberated stop Following are action messages for your region stop To be continued stop
64. Continuation special order number two stop Action messages stop One stop Railway and road sabotage: Die brief staat op poten rpt Die brief staat op poten stop Two stop Sabotage telecommunications Geen haar op uw hoofd zal gekrenkt worden stop Three stop Harassing attacks De vader van Lucien ging Zaterdag weg stop Four stop Passing intelligence Zij draagt een sierlijk schoen stop Five stop Prevention of demolition Jans huis is niet oud stop stop Protection technical personnel Ik heb al de brieven van Leo ontvangen stop End special message stop
(44) Srl No B1803/189 from Charades of 30.12.1944
91 stop RVV rpt RVV weet geen ontsnappingsweg naar bevrijd gebied stop Ik zal voorloopig blijven door werken stop Zullen nieuwe marconist op terrein Evert ontvangen stop Ikzelf zal bij receptie aanwezig zijn stop U kunt dus brieven en orders voor mij meegeven stop Hij moet zoo mogelijk een rijwiel meebrengen stop
London asked (45) whether everything was now all right between the three sections of the DRIEHOEK.
DOUWE (BOATING) and BRAM (BACKGAMMON) said that they always transmitted from the same place. London considered this extremely dangerous, even if they had several plans or frequencies. They should have transmitters at several houses to which they could go periodically.
Driehoek thanks RAF
DRAUGHTS cabled (46): “Very thankful for bombardment SD HQ Amsterdam. Buildings well hit and heavily damaged. Although only twelve SD killed, they are all very important. Investigation in progress as to how far destruction of archives can be called complete. My personal compliment to crews for good work. The Driehoek”. London cabled (47) that BERT (RUMMY, de Goede) was unhappy about the situation in Rotterdam, and felt that politics were predominating over resistance. Had DRAUGHTS heard anything about this?
OD leads in Driehoek
He (Draughts) replied (48) that the relationship in the Driehoek was satisfactory, but since FRANK had gone the OD predominated. A small “accident” had happened on the previous Thursday (?.12.1944) and one of the secretaries had been arrested, but the Driehoek had gone to a new office. London should not worry about DOUWE and BRAM.
Rockets prescribed for SD
The Gestapo was still on the run. The SD with its archives had partly settled in the Roelof Hartplein. They were also dining there and were very nervous, fearing a new attack. The Gestapo Chief LAGES said, “If on 25th they had continued machine gun fire, no one would have escaped alive”. DRAUGHTS advised HQ to use only well directed rocket and machine gun fire, and no bombs.
Could London ask Radio Oranje (49) to warn everyone living near military or SD HQ to leave their homes?
He cabled (50) that big razzias were taking place in Haarlem. The Germans were driving people to the station. Please could London try to intimidate the Germans or attack the railway?
RAF bombs razzia route
At 03.30 GMT (51) the Germans would transport thousands of men to Amsterdam. Could the RAF attack the Spaarne Bridge? There were no gun positions neat this target. London replied later in the same day (52) that the RAF had attacked the bridge at Spaarne, but could not see the result owing to bad weather. HQ would be glad to receive a report on the attack from DRAUGHTS.
(45) 174 to Draughts of 01.12.44
To Draughts via night Torridge.
Is everything alright now between DRIEHOEK or are there any more differences of opinion stop DOUWE and BRAM say they always transmit from the same place we consider this extremely dangerous even if they have several houses to which they go periodically stop We appreciate your terrific difficulties and must of course leave this o you stop Delighted hear BEN and SIEM not arrested keep us advised in case necessary to send someone from the Prince to take command stop
(46) 284 from Draughts of 01.12.44
From Draughts via Plym.
Nr two eight four stop Very thankful for bombardment SD HQ Amsterdam stop Buildings well hit and heavily damaged although only SWELZ SD killed they are all very impressed stop Details investigation in progress in how far destruction archived can be called complete stop My personal compliment to crews,for good work stop The DC stop
(47) 177 to Draughts of 02.12.44
To Draughts via night Torridge.
To DC stop Prince is interested in DUDOK group in Gooi stop Do you know if they have received any arms from us yet and if they are incorporated in the resistance numbers in Utrecht stop Advise which grounds you are ready to again stop Bert is unhappy about the Rotterdam set up and feels politics is predominating as against spirit of resistance stop Have you heard anything about this stop
(48) 286 from Draughts of 02.12.44
From Draughts via Torridge.
(49) 289 from Draughts of 03.1244
From Draughts via Plym.
Nr two eight nine stop Can you ask Radio Orange to warn every one living near military or SD quarters to leave their homes stop
(50) Srl No. B935/22 from Draughts of 06.12.44
From Draughts via Plym.
Nr two nine eight stop Big razzia going on in Haarlem stop Germans are driving people to station stop Please can try to intimidate Germans or attack railway stop
(51) 299 from Draughts of 06.12.44
Nr two nine nine stop At three thirty GMT Germans will transport with one engine thousands of men to Amsterdam in several transports during night stop We will try to stop railway please can you attack Spaarnebridge no gun positions near target stop
(52) 190 to Draughts of 07.12.44
To Draughts via Torridge.
RAF attacked Spaarnebridge but could not determine accuracy owing bad weather stop Shall be glad to hear result from you stop
Parcel puzzle
London told DRAUGHTS (53) that “inside package no 3324 were two small parcels labeled “For DOUWE” and “ For ASPASIA (Anita)”. The parcel labelled for ASPASIA was for DOUWE, and the parcel labelled For DOUWE was not for DOUWE but for BRAM. London advised the Driehoek (54) that disturbing evidence had recently been received of up-to-date German methods of listening to telephone conversations. It was therefore strongly recommended that no information on resistance matters should be passed through the internal network, except in cases of emergency.
Attempt to contact German agent
London cabled (55): “ We have contact with an SD man who pretends he wants to work for us and asks for a wireless plan, set, code and crystals to be delivered to KUIJPER, 11 Anna Paulownastreet, The Hague. We do not trust him but he might be useful for other purposes. After you have received new plans, would it be possible to deliver a complete set of one of your old plans and a microprint one-time pad, old type, without endangering anybody”? DRAUGHTS replied (56) that he would deliver through a safe cut-out the things the SD needed.
Razzia raid fails
DRAUGHTS reported (57) that the attack on the Spaarne Bridge was not successful, but he thanked the RAF very much for the attempt. He confirmed (58) that FRANK had died of his wounds on December 5th. He had been succeeded by PETER, the former Commander of the KP Group nr. 4. London transmitted to the Driehoek (59) the new directive for resistance activities and details of the scheme to divide occupied Holland into six zones. This scheme was in no way intended to curtail the authority of the Driehoek or to prevent it from sending suggestions for plans based on its greater knowledge of the actual situation in the field.
Big round-up in Alkmaar
DRAUGHTS reported (60) that big razzias were going on in Alkmaar. Every man had to stand before the front door. Would it be possible in this weather to bomb the railway yard at Alkmaar? (61) London regretted (62) that his request had arrived too late for bombing on that day. It was feared that too
many civilians would be killed if the target was bombed later. London was rather worried (63) about the mass of DRIEHOEK orders floating about. Several had reached Eindhoven, and this seemed “mighty bad from the security angle”. Could this be redeemed?
(53) 184 to Draughts of 06.12.44
To Draughts via night Torridge. Telegram is the same as text.
(54) 188 to Draughts of 07.12.44
To Draughts via night Torridge. Telegram is the same as text.
(55) 189 to Draughts of 07.12.44 Telegram is the same as text.
To Draughts via night Torridge.
(56) 305 from Draughts of 09.12.44
From Draughts via Torridge.
Your one eight nine stop I will deliver through safe cut outs things he needs but it is not clear if he has a set stop
(57) Srl No. B1056/87 from Draughts of 09.12.44
From Draughts via Torridge.
Nr three zero nine stop Your one nine zero stop Attack not successful but thanks very much indeed stop
(58) 310 from Draughts of 10.12.44 Don’t have this telegram
(59) 196 to Draughts of 10.12.44
To Draughts via Torridge.
Following for Delta Centrum stop One stop It is absolutely necessary for security reasons and for your own safety to decentralize resistance stop Therefore Holland is being divided into six regions as follows stop Region one provinces of Friesland Groningen and Drenthe stop Region two North East Polder Overijssel and all area east of river IJssel and including Achterhoek stop Region three Veluwe and province of Utrecht bounded on the east by the IJssel on the south by the Neder Rhine and Lek and on the west by the line of floods running north to south from east of Amsterdam west of Utrecht and down to Jaarsveld on the Lek stop To be continued
(60) Srl No. B1220/11 from Draughts of 12.12.44
From Draughts via Plym.
Number three one eight Big razzias are going on in Alkmaar stop At eleven o clock MET every man has to stand for his front door stop Will keep you informed stop
(61) 319 from Draughts of 12.12.44
From Draughts via Plym.
My three one nine, IMMEDIATE stop Would it be possible in this weather to bomb railway yard Alkmaar today stop
(62) 202 to Draughts of 12.12.44
To Draughts via night Torridge.
Reference bombing railway yard regret your message arrived too late for bombing today stop Afraid will kill too many civilians if attempted later stop Veel liefs van Barnet stop
(63) 203 to Rummy of 12.12.44
“Zoning dangerous” - Driehoek
With reference to the scheme for decentralizing resistance into six zones (64), the DRIEHOEK thought that these alterations in the organization did not increase the security of resistance forces. On the contrary, they would bring with them great difficulties and risk. The causes of arrests in the recent months were mostly of a local nature, this order had been given on account of military secrecy or for any other military reason, then the DRIEHOEK would accept these additional risks.
London’s “Stand-By” warning
London fully appreciated the DRIEHOEK attitude to the new zoning scheme (65) HQ had no wish to interfere with internal resistance administration, but a new regional organization was essential if resistance was to conform with military plans. When the time came it would be necessary to put resistance in a whole region into operation at the same time, independent of other regions. London warned the DRIEHOEK (66) to plan to put into operation in the near future throughout the whole of zones five and six the activities already outlined on December 10th.
RAF asked to spare food ships
DRAUGHTS cabled (67) that owing to the famine in Western Holland, he had been obliged to co-operate with a newly established shipping company which brought food during the hours of darkness from the Northern Provinces over the IJsselmeer by permission of the German authorities. On their return trips these ships were to transfer children to better-fed areas. It was suggested that the RAF should abstain from shooting up all
shipping traffic at night on the Ijsselmeer. As soon as the Germans began to abuse this nightly traffic, he would advise London.
(64) 325 from Draughts of 15.12.44 Telegram the same as text.
(65) 211 to Draughts of 15.12.44 Telegram the same as text.
(66) 221 to Draughts of 22.12.1944
(67) 353 from Draughts of 25.12.44 Telegram the same as text.
BACKGAMMON was advised (68) that he and DOUWE (BOATING) should try not to stay on the air longer than forty minutes at a time. The remainder
of the messages were concerned with the technicalities of transmission.
(68) 17 to Backgammon of 09.12.44
To Backgammon via night Torridge.
For you and DOUWE stop Try not to stay on the air longer than forty minutes and arrange additional contact if necessary stop